
Upstage this, Anna!

A Greek island fortress by any other name would still haul developers' asses into jail on charges of espionage.

Well, apparently, this isn't Sparta.

I vote Isle of Lemons.

Nice cinematography, but the slow-motion shots of the wife and child in the fields are too evocative of 300 and Gladiator.

After their ordeal, they should've anagrammed Lemnos and renamed it "Solemn."

;) She could play Loki's mother.

Why do you hate k.d. lang?

I absolutely agree with you.

Well, she did reach for the weapon.

Why not Chenoweth?

Maybe it's like the villain's floating castle in Krull, and would appear randomly in the sky, and only the Widow of the Web knows where and when.

But the world of Logan's Run wasn't really a utopia in the end, was it?

The Queen would like to have a word or two with you.

Vindication tastes so good.

For dramatic effect.

I'm getting more of a young Toni Collette vibe.

My child's teacher is not a pop-music tart who shot to fame and fortune with sexualized imagery masquerading as bubblegum and glitter, but I get your point.

I hear you, but you cannot always control what your kids may be exposed to.