
"You don't think this screams to the 9 year old girls: beauty and confidence = sparkly bustier with no pants?"

Give him a break. He's just Yang at heart.

I know the issue of space in Tokyo is legendary, but I was still unprepared when I made my first visit two years ago.


I hope they're not suggesting he's one of the Pope's tarts.

The horrah!

I'd Kickstart it just to see Space Wilson get lost forever in the Oort Cloud.

Hey, now there's a concept: Cast Away, but IN SPACE!!!

Rockford Peaches GO!

"There's NO CRYING IN SPACE!!!!!"

I've been told that at least one of the superstitions involving turning the fish over on the plate is that it will cause the boat of the fishermen who caught that fish to turn over, as well.

So this thing that I've had for two weeks now that makes me want to rip my throat out is just a cold.

Came here to check Gags reference.


Maybe she lost a bet.

My thoughts, exactly.

Angie stole the Oscars last year, but nobody does a Streeptease better than Meryl.

Thank you! I was trying to remember the title of that hot lovely mess.

"She's decided to go from pop star to movie star. Gaga thinks that if she gives up the crazy rock ‘n' roll lifestyle, Taylor will propose."