Same thing turbos do to the mileage of everything, kill it.
Or poked my head into the service department and shouted “Hey, are you Fixing It Again Tony?”
Surprised it was only $245M.
From yesterday’s New York Times on the Liz Smith memorial:
His name is Yorgio, he runs a little meditation center and bodega out of Los Angeles. He has blond hair to his sholder and has a penchant for wearing denim and velvet.
He has a bachelor in Biochemistry, but spend most of his younger years touring Europe with his jazz n thrash crossover band. He has the largest vinyl…
Cheney would have been a hell of a President (and don’t think for a second he wasn’t the President), if he had just been on our side. What a competent g.d. bastard. It’s just too bad he was in it for himself.
You get a star for that. I think the restaurant could handle it better, but it is the policy they chose. And I don’t think complaining about it is out of line.
“tear in soft top”
This also applies to discounts and freebies from promotions and Groupons. Just because your drinks and appetizers were happy hour-prices doesn’t mean it took me any less work or lowered my service.
I can’t believe you didn’t leave a really honest review mentioning that you followed her policies and then she explicitly hit you up for a review. I would have.
She went home and drowned her hamster after this.
Thank you. I’m so sick of the ‘poor Melania’/ ‘free Melania’ narrative. She had the caucasity to take herself to a TV studio and demand Obama prove himself a born citizen when she started her life in America as an illegal immigrant and can still barely string an English sentence together. Fuck her.
I’m in for an SRT-71.
Eh, to be fair, “being a war criminal” is basically in the job description. Every American president post the Hague Convention would fit into that description, if you want to get “According to Hoyle” about it.
I went to a function on literacy earlier this year and Laura Bush was the keynote speaker. She said the thing she missed the most about the White House was the staff because they had known most of them since the elder Bush had been president and they had been a big part of their lives for a long time. She then…
This current crop of grifters makes W look like one of the Founding Fathers.
I can’t believe I clicked on that link and now I’m cackling at “#cuckfefe” 😂😂😂
...Just remember, she was completely complicit in birther movement against Obama.