
I love public art as a concept though often loathe its execution. This is a great one. Very NYC.

She’s all “can’t you just go back to your own damn planet and let me do my job...”

It’s not that your comment IS racist, it just kinda sounds when you lump one ethnic group together in one big pile that you know it kinda does.

Al Green albums are easily downloadable from the internet.

That was a pun we didn’t see cumming.

It’s a masterpiece and nothing less.

The David is often cropped in media shots or with a tourist’s head strategically blocking the offending organ.

Honestly you should be taking your kid to the zoo at least TWICE a day if not more. For her birthday you should take her there six times if not more.

Great reporting Moskovitz.

“scarlet and black and ochre and peach...”


This was a blown opportunity to drop “I know more wacky doctors than Gary Larson...” into a rhyme.

Mark my words: this will turn everyone gay!

We don’t need you infecting everyone with your Britishness.

I would feel safer traveling alone in Iran than in the US.