
Most Jordan brand stuff (including like all of their sneakers) are still covered in swooshes. Doesn’t sound like that’s what Lavar has in mind.

Seems like trying to get big, established brands to “license” your shitty no name brand kind of is the worst plan? Nike has spent billions of dollars making the swoosh and Nike brand iconic, and now they are going to pay someone else money to instead promote and build up some other unknown brand? In what universe?

Can I write it off because “Big Baller Brands” is like the lamest name for a sports brand in history?

I definitely didn’t stop watching espn because of the politics, but can’t say it didn’t annoy me at times. Caitlyn Jenner winning that “hero” ESPY award was ridiculous, as was the insane amount of coverage of Michael Sam.

Seriously, I was so disappointed in the movie. Literally the only things in common between the book and the movie is that there are zombies and they are both called “World War Z”.

The point of this whole comment thread was actually that the article has nothing to do with Joe Mixon. The author used his name as click-bait to get people to read the article mostly because Mixon is currently Deadspin’s punching bag du jour merely because he was the one athlete that was unlucky enough to have his

I am talking specifically about Joe Mixon, not all of your other undisclosed “examples”. Please tell me what YOU think should happen to him. Do you think he should be banned for life from doing the only thing he’s good at because he fucked up at age 18? If not, what is the appropriate punishment for you? He got a

“Athletes who feel empowered to be violent whenever they feel like it”? Where are you even getting this from? You honestly think that’s why Joe Mixon hit this girl? Because of the “empowerment” he felt by playing football? It’s never occurred to you that he was just a stupid 18 year old kid with poor impulse

Most people without criminal records will not go to jail for assault as a first time offense, regardless of whether they play football. In fact most people who did what Mixon did would probably suffer far less consequences because the video of him doing it wouldn’t have been a viral sensation and there wouldn’t be


Not sure what you mean by “positive fetish” here. Does it just mean preference? Of course if I’m traveling with my significant other, I would prefer to sit next to them. Planes are tight quarters and I’d prefer to be snuggled up against someone I actually like. Obviously, if there’s a seating scenario where we

Is it really fair to say that gang rapes happen “a lot”? At least in the U.S., they seem to be extremely rare and the most highly profiled ones recently (this one and Duke LAX) turned out to be fabricated. As others have noted, this particular case is very different than an “ordinary” sexual assault (I’m not trying

He’s still only 27 and he’ll be a free agent at age 30. He’s still going to get his insane $200M contract.

Haha OK I fell for it. You win. Troll on friend.

So we’re shifting the blame for domestic violence from the abusers themselves to .... alcohol manufacturers? Only the hottest of takes on Deadspin.

That’s super annoying, I think general rule should be if the people are dating at the time invitations go out and they are somewhat serious, they get an invite. Def don’t get to “demand” to bring a random friend though as the person I was replying to suggested.

Gifts aren’t necessarily about “need,” its intended to just be a nice gesture. They probably registered because they know people still want to buy them stuff and its better to at least have people buy things they might want. It’d be one thing if they were like demanding gifts or something, but not really sure we

Do you have like a long term/serious significant other? Or are you literally demanding the right to bring a total random with you to a person’s wedding? Gotta tell you, if I’m paying $150/person I would be pretty unhappy if a friend demanded that I also pay $150 for their random friend I haven’t met. If you don’t

This is getting so tired. Colin Kaepernick isn’t a good QB. He hasn’t been for years. He is absolutely not any better than Jay Cutler, who is also currently unemployed. Stop acting like the only reason he doesn’t have a job is because he knelt. If he were still good, he would still have a job. Period.

Don’t really understand why this would bother you. If you bought them a gift (or gave them cash), presumably you want them to actually enjoy it or use it, no? Who cares if they later decide that the cash is better spent on paying some bills than on a vacation?