
This is such a bad argument dude, you’re basically saying there is no reason for men and women to be separated at all with respect to athletics. If that’s the way you want it, OK I guess as long as you’re OK with the fact that under your structure your daughter would never even make the team, let alone actually

People actually comment in message boards about particular shows just to talk about how they don’t watch that show. What’s wrong with THEM?

But they aren’t nobodies? They are almost as popular as Deadspin in terms of traffic and are gaining fast. If Barstool is a nobody, then isn’t Deadspin?

If you read my comments and came away with the opinion that their only purpose was to complain about Deadspin I really don’t know what to tell you because we may fundamentally disagree about the meaning of words. I like your handle though.

I’ve been reading and following Deadspin for almost 10 years (far longer than I’ve followed Barstool). I’m well aware that they have done some legit great stuff (including breaking some real news stories). However, you’ve just cherry picked 6 blogs out of the thousands of blogs they have done over the past 5 years

Did you actually read my comments on this thread? I didn’t complain about Deadspin, all I said was Barstool was better at engaging athletes and then I had a mild debate with some commenters about whether or not this is relevant. Honestly sort of amazed at some of the vitriol I’m getting for what I thought was a

*Boom roasted

I’m sorry but were you actually making an argument? Sorry if I missed that.

This is a good comment because making fun of the mentally disabled is always a win. Did you do that thing where you slap your arm into your chest while you typed this?

I can see that. Someone else made the point that they may intentionally avoid getting close to athletes to maintain some journalistic credibility. I eye roll a bit at classifying Deadspin as journalism, but I think the point has some legitimacy.

I think the podcasts and video content are WAY more entertaining with the athletes (otherwise you’re just listening to two bloggers talk for an hour). For the purposes of the actual blogging I don’t particularly care. Also, if you think I’m talking about people like Jamario Moon you are sorely mistaken, in the past

Oh make no mistake, I do not in any way shape or form consider Barstool to be “news”. Its an entertainment/sports blog with (occasionally) funny content. If I want real sports news though I’m not going to Deadspin either.

I responded to someone else in more depth, but in summary I *thought* it was obvious that it is advantageous for a a sports blog that wants to engage people that like sports to have famous sports people with big followings plug said sports blog for free. Apparently this is a controversial opinion.

Because if you like sports enough to follow sports blogs then by extension one would think that you must like athletes (I mean I guess you could like sports but hate athletes but that seems like it would making watching sports not that fun). I guess it doesn’t so much matter that athletes like Barstool as much as it

Certainly Deadspin tends to be more critical of athletes than Barstool is (Barstool does criticize athletes a lot, but its definitely done in a more joking context without the level of righteousness common at Deadspin) which may be a factor. However, I think simply saying “well athletes are just dumb meat heads so of

This is a fair point. Perhaps they do gain some journalistic credibility by not getting close to the athletes. Although that requires me to accept Deadspin as “journalism” which seems like a stretch.

I actually did not even think I was offering an opinion. I truly thought that it being desirable for a sports blog to get the backing of actual athletes was sort of obvious. Apparently people disagree. OK.

Thanks for the constructive criticism! This is what I come to Deadspin for.

Thanks for your long winded comment about your personal preferences. No one cares. All I said was that athletes (who seem pretty relevant to a sports blog and are followed by lots of people) seem to like Barstool a hell of a lot more than they like Deadspin. Does that matter to you? Apparently not. Should it

Way to completely miss the point. The point I was making is that actual athletes are fans of Barstool and promote them (without being paid to do so). Do I find videos of Gronk yelling “SATURDAYS ARE FOR THE BOYS” in a barstool tank top to be the height of entertainment? No, but certainly if you’re a sports blog