
Don’t have a registry and just say something like “No Boxed Gifts Please” on the wedding website. You’ll probably end up with some random kitchen stuff from that aunt you never talk to, but most people will get the hint and just give cash.

Nope, I’ve attended almost 30 weddings now, bought gifts for every damn one of them. I paid my dues. Now I’m about to get married. GIVE ME ALL THE DAMN GIFTS!!

This is only partially true. There’s a set time limit on how far back they can “clawback” the profits. Very early stage Madoff investers that cashed out very early got to keep pretty much everything.

I totally agree with you. I think it’s just the point that people that live in more rural communities imagine the lifestyle one can live on $500k/year and imagine people swimming in pools of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck, which just isn’t true. No one making $500k/year has any right to complain about anything

I hear you man, but I have the type of job where you almost HAVE to live in the city. As I replied to someone earlier, I’m a corporate lawyer. My work schedule varies widely, sometimes I’m out at 6pm, but often I’m there until midnight or later and I often have to come into the office for a few hours on weekends as

Yep, we don’t disagree, although my caveat would be that depending on what your job is the pay cut can be more than “a bit” less. As an example, I’m a corporate lawyer, at my level in NYC I’m at around $300k, if I lived in Detroit, in an equivalent position, I’d be at around $175k. Detroit is so cheap (particularly

I hear your point, but I think you also need to consider that the only reason they make $500k is BECAUSE they live in NYC. If they left NYC, sure, they could buy a much more affordable home, but would also likely see a large drop in income that might actually offset the decreased home costs. I think it’s just the

When you are talking about your ex mistress that you tortured and murdered and fed to your dogs for the first time in public and you choose to start the sentence with “Dude” I think its safe to say you have not changed and we should not be taking your side. Just my opinion though.

Guess we’re gonna have to agree to disagree on that one. To me, back in the days when AJ ran this website it was much more of like a “gossip” sports blog than it was a “political” sports blog (as its become today). I liked athlete dick picks, videos of people doing awful things in the bathrooms of stadiums and stuff

Deadspin used to be WAY less politically correct and was more of just a standard funny sports blog. Somewhere along the way it became infused with a lot of liberal politics and that seems to color all of their coverage now. I miss old Deadspin.

Do you think what’s on Deadspin now is any better? I remember the days when they were out there breaking the Manti Te’o story and letting us all see Brett Favre’s dick. Deadspin legit broke (semi) big stories. All it does now is just shit on everything. Sad really.

I was equating it only because the person I responded to made a HUGE deal out of the fact that Mixon’s mistake was a “crime” (as is smoking pot). Really amazing to me that so many people are willing to basically say that someone deserves to have their entire life taken away because they fucked up at 18 years old. I

Shoplifting is also a crime. So is possession of marijuana. So anyone who smokes pot and gets caught also deserves a lifetime ban? You seem to place a lot of emphasis on the fact that the person punched was a woman, but why? Assault is assault, no matter the sex. Replace the girl with a skinny 100lb dude. Do you

That’s not even close to what he’s saying. He’s saying that there shouldn’t be a “one strike and your out” policy for anyone, particularly for kids that have grown up in rough communities where they are not exposed to the right role models and values. This is the entire basis of much of the left’s arguments against

Even more strange, because these same bloggers also blog constantly about BLM and the unfairness of the justice system towards African Americans. They can’t even be logically consistent.

I totally agree with you. There a TON of NFL guys that have done things that are just as (if not more) deplorable than what Mixon did, they just were lucky enough to not have it be on tape (or weren’t good enough for people to notice). He fucked up and did something awful, but he was 18 years old, but people here

Serious question, what exactly do people want to happen to this kid? Are we going to be pissed about any outcome that doesn’t result in him being banned from football forever? He was a 18 and he did something very awful, but no second chances at all? Is that we want?

Ha, probably not, you’re just polite. I always just go to the back. Your original post made it sound like the driver had a requirement though, which seemed way weirder to me.

You’ve had drivers specifically ask you to sit in front? I take Uber/Lyft a fair amount and never had someone tell me to sit in either place, but specifically telling me i HAVE to sit in the front would honestly kind of creep me out.

Totally feel you, I started getting my hair cut at a Japanese hair salon just because the language barrier keeps them from feeling like they have to try to make forced conversation with me.