
Why are there so many people on this damn thread that think that anything other than dad jeans are skinny jeans? Also didn’t realize how many squat enthusiasts are out there, and how passionate you all seem to be on the topic of jean fashion.

Why are there so many people on this damn thread that think that anything other than dad jeans are skinny jeans?

Got some strong feelings about New Balances eh, Rob? Do they go great with your cargo shorts?

Got some strong feelings about New Balances eh, Rob? Do they go great with your cargo shorts?

Really surprising that all of the votes for best jeans came from my Dad. Can’t wait until we pick our favorite sneakers and its just five different varieties of white New Balances.

Really surprising that all of the votes for best jeans came from my Dad. Can’t wait until we pick our favorite

The app does not really tell you “who and when to pick up”. It shows you people who want rides and where they want to go. The driver has the sole discretion of deciding whether to actually pick the person up or not. Using your car absolutely has something to do with it as another one of the IRS factors is whether

He’s pointing to the factors the IRS uses to determine whether people are employees or contractors. If you actually look at that list of factors, there really is no argument that the Uber drivers are not employees. Two of the most important factors in making that determination are whether the person has full

Did you see any irony in droping Uber for Lyft over the “Trump thing” when one of Lyft’s biggest backers is Peter Thiel a well known Trump minion (and killer of Gawker)? It sort of baffles me that so many people did this, like as if Lyft’s big donation wasn’t just a simple PR move. Lyft doesn’t support immigrants

No, that was self-indulgent bull shit.

I support the cause, but I don’t really get what this achieves. NYC is largely liberal, people in NYC are not why Trump won. Do we really think Donald Trump or Republican law makers really care if a bunch of NY liberals can’t get a taxi or buy a Gatorade?

There are of course exceptions to any generalization. It seems like you don’t pirate because you want to consume things without paying for them, but I don’t think we can ignore that most people pirating in this day and age are doing it for that exact reason. Most pirated music is not obscure Woody Guthrie

I think weeblewobble went back and edited the comment. He originally was saying it should be the same cost as a movie ticket. I agree that releasing for at home consumption could work, but to your point, it would have be priced much higher, like $60/movie.

All that stuff has now been done. Any movie or music can be found on itunes or on Amazon and yet.... people still pirate quite frequently. Pirating is actually LESS convenient than many other readily available platforms. It’s almost like people pirate because they like free shit and not because of “convenience”.

I don’t really think we disagree. Some people used Napster for convenience, sure, but its not really deniable that a lot of people that used it (like myself) just did it because it was free. You can get any song on the planet now from itunes, yet A LOT of people still pirate. Pirating at this point is substantially

Agree it would have appeal to people, but to make it make sense for the studio from a financial perspective they would have to charge A LOT for it. Like $60/movie minimum.

The person I responded to was literally saying it should cost the same price as a movie ticket.

No disagreement there at all, but hard to argue that if something cuts into profit enough, its eventually going to have to hit everyone, top to bottom.

You seem to assume that Napster’s primary appeal was its distribution model rather than the fact that, you know, IT LET YOU GET SHIT FOR FREE. I was an avid Napster user and actually operated a “Mix CD” business in high school where I would download songs from Napster and turn them into mix-CD’s for classmates.

I don’t want anything. This entire thread is about how pirating doesn’t hurt the “little guys”. My point was that it would. You seem to actually agree with that point and are now talking about something I was never arguing (that we should artificially keep jobs around). You’re debating something that no one else

OK, your answer basically boils down to “well of course it will hurt the little guy, but they can just go do something else.”

Why would a movie studio release a movie for home viewing at the same price as a theater? A movie viewed at home can be viewed by an unlimited number of people. If 5 people watch the movie at home but you only charged them the equivalent of one movie ticket, you just threw away 80% of your profit.

Ok, that’s fine, but doesn’t change the fact that fewer movies means fewer jobs for the “little guys”. Combine that with lowered profits and you end up with a movie industry with far less money to spend and far more people fighting for fewer jobs. You don’t think that’s going to hit the little guy’s pocket?