
All movies are streamed now, you can get almost anything on Amazon Video or iTunes. That still doesn’t change the fact that people can still stream movies for free by pirating. Given the choice of paying for something or getting it for free, certain people are always going to pick the free option even if its

Not sure I totally follow. What exactly were they supposed to learn from Napster? The studios can’t stop people from illegally uploading their movies to file sharing sites. If they could do that, they absolutely would.

Still doesn’t explain her *SHOCK* that he recognized her. You could tell he was actually sort of offended that she would think that.

I don’t know that either one of them is a “victim”, but Liz’s answer for why she turned him down when he asked to exchange numbers made absolutely no sense. Also, her weird idea that he wouldn’t even remember who she was? She really thinks he spent all night hanging out with her, had sex with her and was actually

I think people say that until they actually watch it. No one is claiming this show is high art, but god dammit is it addictive.

I’m pretty sure they mean that they were shouting BEFORE anyone asked them to leave. It seems like they were likely yelling in Arabic intentionally trying to cause a scene so they could film it and get reactions. This dude literally got caught staging a fake “anti-Muslim” police video before. Airlines suck, and

The comment you responded to me was basically my comment on how dumb AP Bear’s assertion was. It has to be read in that context otherwise it doesn’t really make sense. I don’t even think you and I actually disagree!

My “assertion” was a response to the dude’s speculation. You can’t read my comment while ignoring that part because it’s literally the basis of my comment. There is nothing in my comment whatsoever about assessment of probability.

Read the comment I was actually responding to.

It seems a hell of a lot more reasonable than assuming every single person on a dating app is taking an HIV-prevention drug though, doesn’t it?

But those two assumptions are not even CLOSE to equivalent. It seems reasonable to assume that a person who knowingly has unprotected sex with you is not aware that they have an incurable (to date) sexually transmitted disease. It does not seem reasonable to assume that every single person on Grndr is on PREP. Some

So I assume you’re one of those people that also argues that women have the responsibility to protect themselves against sexual assault as well? If a girl meets a stranger from the Internet wearing a mini skirt and the dude rapes her are you going to be sitting here lecturing us on “personal responsibility” then too?

Ah, so you’re just a dick. Noted.

Maybe you want to read me back the part where I said people can’t/shoudln’t recline? I responded to the original poster, who claimed that she could not even FATHOM how reclining would affect the person behind her. You know it IS possible to accept that people can recline and also recognize that it can cause

Dude, relax. Let me repeat this again. I AM NOT SAYING PEOPLE CANNOT OR SHOULD NOT RECLINE. It’s a response to the original poster, who claimed that she could not FATHOM how reclining could possible affect the person behind her’s comfort. Is it not simultaneously possible to accept that everyone has the right to

You’re about the 10th person that misunderstood the comment. I am in no way advocating any type of ban on reclining. It’s a response to the original poster claiming that she could not even FATHOM how a person could be bothered by the person in front of them reclining. It is possible to simultaneously accept that

Glad it’s not an issue for you, it is for some people though, because you know, you’re not everyone? Anyway, I was not advocating any type of ban on seat reclining, it was just a response to the original poster who seemed unable to grasp the concept that reclining your seat can make the flight less comfortable for

Perhaps you misunderstood my response. I am not advocating that people be banned from reclining their seats. The original poster basically wrote that she could not even FATHOM how reclining a seat could bother the person behind her (and then wrote how Shaq can afford first class). My point is that yes, if you are

Maybe you have short legs?

I’m not advocating banning reclining, just responding to the original poster who claimed she could not possibly understand how reclining could cause discomfort for the person behind her. If you’re tall, it definitely makes your flight a lot less comfortable if the person in front of you reclines. That seems