
Ha, i only meant it to mean people of “higher than average” height, didn’t meant to imply that tall people are somehow “better”. You should take solace in your superior comfort on flights though ;)

I’m going to guess both you and boyfriend are under 6'2? If your knees are already pressed directly up against the seat in front of you because of your height that “inch or two” makes a pretty big difference. Apparently you are assuming that everyone of superior height is as rich as Shaquille O’Neal and can afford

Isn’t the derision just that the protest is a bit hypocritical? We were all (myself included) up in arms over the possibility that Trump could lose the election and refuse to accept the results. But isn’t that what these protesters are doing? What are we protesting? Democracy? I (like most on this website) hate

The frat seems like it was completely innocent in this case. Are we still supposed to consider them the bad guy? I don’t follow this.

Yes, so “incredibly boring” to watch two of the season’s best pitchers square off in the World Series in a game where neither team ever led by more than a run and the losing team had the winning run in scoring position for its last AB. If you like baseball or appreciate baseball at all, that game is a classic.

My major complaint isn’t that its too “offensive” it’s more that it is stupidly ineffective. If you’re “protesting” an issue, but we spend all our time talking about you and the form of your particular protest, and virtually no time talking about the actual issue you are protesting (as seems to be the case with

I’m like 90% sure you’re a troll, but in the off chance you’re not, here’s a few points:

You know its possible to just not like Cam for reasons that don’t concern his race, right? Calling everyone that disagrees with anything he says or does a “racist” is such a stupid misdirection. But of course, this is Deadspin, so 50 stars for you!

Yeah, I get the joke now. At first I interpreted it as him trying to say that Ezekiel is likely guilty (just as OJ obviously was). You know what they say, all the best jokes are the ones that you have to explain!

Did you actually read this article before commenting? There’s pretty clear evidence here that the girl fabricated the story. Why are we comparing this to OJ?

Does anyone else feel like Colin Kaepernick’s “protest” is way more about Colin Kaepernick than it is about real issues in this country? Ideologically I actually agree with him, but can’t help but think that the actual gesture is really meant more to turn himself into a martyr than it is to actually start a real

Former U of C student here and can attest that all I’ve seen today on social media from former classmates about this statement is praise and jubilation. I thought it was a great statement too. Maybe it’s like self selection or something?

I guess I’m not even sure who you are debating anymore or what it is you are actually debating? The entire question here is whether Caster should be considered a woman for the purposes of athletic competition. Years ago they decided she should not be, then they reversed course and said she is. There is no test to

I think you’re missing the crux of the debate, which is whether Caster should actually be “considered” a woman or not. These athletic committees are left with the difficult task of trying to determine what physiologically makes someone a woman and what doesn’t. Should a person with male sex organs producing

The difference is that traditionally someone with Caster’s unique physiological features would not be considered “female” per se, she is what we used to refer to as “hermaphrodite” (she is not XX). I’m still not sure that it would be fair to bar her from competing because she’s clearly already overcome a lot given her

Don’t really have an opinion either way, but the article doesn’t mention that Caster actually has undescended testicles that are producing the extra testosterone and is not XX. She is what I think we used to refer to as a “hermaphrodite,” but I believe that word has fallen out of favor (not sure what its been replaced

It is in fact pulled straight from urban dictionary:

love you too ;)

They were not there, you added them to add context to the post because you probably realized that your original comment (which was just the first sentence) didn’t come off the way you thought it did.

“The guy in the loving relationship who has the money to buy a house. The one you decided to shit on for having the gall to offer his opinion on the subject. The one who wasn’t asking for comments from the peanut gallery.”