
Lol and now I see that you actually went back and modified your original post. You’re a gem.

You commented that I am single, lonely, poor and homeless because I posted a two sentence joke on a Kinja thread about engagement rings. I responded that I am not in fact, any of those things, and then explained the joke. But sure, it was definitely “lack of content” and not “it made you look fucking stupid”. Anyway,

My comment apparently hit home hard enough for you that you felt the need to delete it (despite the fact that it actually said nothing offensive about you personally). Who is the sensitive one here again?

Apparently a lot of people extrapolated a lot about my character based on a two sentence joking comment on a Kinja thread. In the future, I hope this is how we are all judged. Tis’ how God intended.

Lol did you really delete my reply to this? You’re the worst dude.

Ha, not that it matters, but I am in a relationship (one where I may propose soon (YAY!) and I own a house?

Who am I sour against? Those that buy rings or those that don’t? I’d like to make sure I understand my own biases.

No, never been married (or bought a ring), not sure where you got this impression?

Fair point. You may be one of the few that is truly able to tune out all the opinions of others and if so, more power to you (in all seriousness). I do think that most of us pretend to care a lot less than we actually do though. Human nature.

Everyone always likes to say they don’t care what other people think. How many people are actually able to achieve that? Perhaps you are one of them and if so, I am supremely jealous of you.

A 3 karat ring or $4k? Funniest thing posted on this entire thread.


In an ideal world you’d be absolutely right, but no matter how often many of us SAY we don’t care what other people think, deep down, we all kind of do.

Now I’m even more confused. Am I fat now?

Because I made a joke on an engagement ring comment thread? Is that a dealbreaker for most people?

Ha, truth!

Not sure I follow, it was just a joke? I’m not married, never bought a ring.

And most importantly, you get to be self righteous in comment threads about engagement rings. And who can put a price on that?

Except when someone asks why you didn’t buy a ring and you make that speech, everyone will smile and nod at the time, and then whisper about how you’re really just cheap the second you walk away. That’s the unfortunate reality of it.

Maybe the team that “deserved” to win was like, I donno, the team that actually won? #hottake