
You mean it doesn’t matter to you, my point is just that it does matter to a lot of NBA fans. It doesn’t ruin the whole game for me or make me not want to watch the NBA, the only real consequence is it changed Kevin Durant from someone I rooted for, to someone I now root against. I’m well aware that the Warriors and

Love how anyone with a different opinion is now “mentally weak”. FYI, the issue is not that Kevin Durant left OKC, the issue is that he specifically left OKC to go to Golden State, a 73 win juggernaut that already has won a title in the past 2 years. Durant is well on his way to being an all time great player (like

He did, but you don’t see how that scenario is completely different? The Lakers were not a title contender before Shaq went there, they became one BECAUSE of Shaq. Can Kevin Durant ever say that about Golden State? They won 73 games and a title already without him!

Well, we are on Deadspin, soo....

I do honestly get that, and if Durant were to be in his mid-3o’s and still without a championship, I’d be fully on board with him taking a pay cut and just being a mercenary on an already great team to get that ring. Just not right now, at 29.

And I am completely OK with that! Feel free to rain boos upon me during the annual Deadspin commenter finals this year!

I think it’s really just disappointment. Kevin Durant is a generational talent who may retire as one of the top 20 or so players of all time. We see a guy like that and we want him to achieve his “greatness” (however one defines that). The problem with him joining Golden State is that no matter how many championships

Ride or die baby. Already working with my tattoo artist on designs.

He does get to choose to play for them, and we get to judge him for it. See how that works?

Yes, everyone except those who write for Gawker Media. They only have the mozt coract taeks.

It’s sports “hate” which is different than the way you may think of “hate” in general life context. It really just means I root against him, it doesn’t mean I would like spit in the guys face if I saw him on the street. You’re also down playing this a lot, Golden State is not “pretty good” they were in the discussion

Does the Deadspin staff realize Lupica’s “hot take” is generally how most people feel about the Durant situation? We get it, dude is a free agent and can go wherever he wants, but sorry man, we’re all judging the shit out of him for it. Personally not sure I’ve ever gone from liking a player to rooting against them

Maybe ask yourself this question. Re-do this exact article, with the same text and everything and just call it “a guide to playing Spades”. How many people actually click on the article?

So what if it’s more popular among black people? It’s a common card game played by many people of all races. Entitling the article a “Caucasian’s guide” was done for no other purpose other than click generation. Maybe familiarize yourself with Gawker media and it’s race baiting before making comments?

Agreed, I’m pretty sure the race thing is just thrown in because otherwise this is a pretty boring article about how to play a very common card game. Throw in the race card, and here come the clicks.

I was actually interested in hearing your perspectives here, but instead it was just a 20 minute rambling recap of the events that have already been widely reported both here and on every other news outlet. I think what both I and the rest of the commenters were looking for here was I donno, actual opinions and

I don’t care about your opinion about Simmons, I was just reading all your exchanges with everyone and even when people tried to have a civil discourse with you, you responded to every single person with derision and condescension. You just seem like a bitter person, and I commented as such. Nothing more nothing less.

Sounds like you’re agreeing with my assessment and just changing the subject. I’ll own up to being a bit of hypocrite, but you’re definitely an asshole.

You’re totally that guy that goes to an event where everyone else is having fun and spends the whole time complaining about everything and ruining it for everyone aren’t you? You fit in perfectly in the Deadspin comment section.

You think you don’t have this problem “because you follow you own advice”, but my point is that in a good friend group, you wouldn’t have this problem even if you talked about it because your friends aren’t assholes. Unless a person actually owes you money, only a total asshole is going to stalk your instagram and