
Kind of sounds like you just have really shitty friends? The only time anyone should care about what you do with your money is if you actually owe them money.

James T is exactly the type of guy that would sign up for a joint bachelor party.

How about we just don’t take into account whether they are from a “good” family or a “bad” family at all and just let people’s actions speak for themselves? Seems like the easiest route.

Yeah, who has time to enjoy air conditioning anyway when there’s butter to be churned and hoops to be rolled.

That is honestly a reasoned response and I respect this line of thinking (no sarcasm). I really do take a lot of issue with the comment that somehow the cointelpro angle was more likely merely because the girl is white though. That line of thinking can only be counterproductive to a movement who stated goal is racial

I don’t deny it, but which of these two things happens more often: (i) male acts as “pimp” for a female; or (ii) cointelpro conspiracy to undermine a moderately prominent member of a social movement (and I use “prominent really lightly here since most of us had never heard of this guy until this article, he’s not

“The fact that the girl is white makes me suspect the latter.”

Does being part of BLM somehow make it less likely that you’ve committed crimes? Maybe this girl is lying, but the fact that the dude is associated with BLM definitely shouldn’t skew our thinking one way or the other on this. Seems like you’re desperate to believe this dude is innocent.

Ditto, I keep looking back it to try to understand how someone could see anything else, and I just don’t get it. It’s just very clearly a cigar.

Are my eyes just really different? I saw this and immediately saw a cigar and it seemed fairly obvious. I’ve been actively trying to see it as a “stone” or whatever it is that other people see for the last five minutes, but I can’t. #opticalillusionfail

I feel you, I sometimes find myself still saying it out of course of habit. I of course realize why its an offensive phrase to many people, but to people that grew up using it as a synonym for “lame” you sometimes forget that its a derogatory phrase.

Well, the only reason to create a kinja handle is to be a dick online, so it seemed appropriate....

What exactly is the purpose of the “Adequate Man” vertical? This is an entire article built around a one sentence block quote in the NYT that basically says “yeah man, subways are crowded sometimes.” WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH MEN?


Totally agree with all of this minus the “don’t let anybody get suckered into lap dances”. That’s kind of the entire point of going to strip clubs, no?

I love how we have a “guide” to surviving Vegas written by a guy that clearly knows next to nothing about Vegas other than what he was able to google in the hour before he wrote this article. Did you also really just suggest Circque Du Soleil as something to do on a bachelor party? Unless I missed the part where you

Totally agree, my reply was to Langosta who claimed that:

1standLong is kind of being a dick about it (although I suspect his replies are a bit tongue-and-cheek), but if I have paid for and selected seats on a plane next to my partner, you can be damn sure I’m going to be pissed if some other person hi-jacks my seat for ANY reason. If you’re a parent and you want your kid to

Not saying that people shouldn’t be allowed to bring their kids on planes (as a few others on this thread claim), but the problem with the “you paid the same amount of money to be on that flight that they paid” argument is that if your kid is screaming and causing a ruckus everyone else on the flight is “paying” for a

So is Deadspin’s new schtick to just hate on anything people love that brings them joy?