
She wrote that he is a “deluded asshole”. What would you call that?

Are you serious? You can take over if anything happens to Sean Spicer.

Oh right. She didn’t explicitly say it so that’s not what she heavily heavily implied. Give me a break dude.

This Friday, it’s Rob Gronkowski in Pole Position

Man, that interview really took a right turn.

“BREAKING: Sources say Woj is moving to start a new basketball vertical at the Christian Science Monitor. Story to come.” - Chris Broussard.

Yeah, he needs to chill. But did he go too far? You gotta ask yourself, did Jim Mora sin?

The fact the brand’s first three syllables are literally “underarm” might present a barrier to style conscious, affluent customers, too.

Wrecks Ryan’s truck

He’s going to open a chain to compete with Wahlburgers.

I was hoping they’d become the Los Angeles Ospreys or Ocelots or something with an “O.” Then they could use this:

Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated yet, and already the peasantry is being forced to entertain the plutocracy in order to obtain their very sustenance.


♬ Man-ning-wants-to coach-next-year ♬

Sounds like Rex and the Wolfman could get another shot! Aroo!

It’s good to take a look back back back back back back

Whatever-her-name-is moaning “Oooooooh Sunday Night” in the booth for three hours alongside Sean McDonough?