
You think he’s hot.

I can’t wait til we stop talking about whether we like or dislike particular women. Have disdain for a person’s viewpoints or actions. Geek out on their body of work or co-sign on their cool ass musings, but fuck all this “I want to be her bestie!” and “DIE ANNE/SCARLETT/GWYNETH DIE!” Stop with all that shit. It’s

Sex and gender are two different things. Every culture and society has had different genders- and not all are binary. Only some gender roles were created specifically for oppression. You’re excused.

There are many ways in which Dolezal is different from a transgender person, but one way is that transgenderism is a two-way street. Someone ID’d as male at birth can realize themselves as a woman and vice versa. The same is not true across races. Ijeoma Oluo would never “pass” as a white woman. In this way,

Gender is an expression of how you identify yourself. Race is how the white colonizing patriarchy has categorized people. You don’t get to recategorize yourself, that’s not how it works. The categories were created to form a system of oppression, and while plenty of people have re-claimed them as a proud source of

I don’t think she is being accused of being a white supremacist, so much as she is a product of institutionalized white supremacy, whether she is aware of it or not. I think the back story you’ve referenced here actually reenforces that assertion.

So, here’s my attempt to answer. It depends on how you define “social construct.” It’s a social construct in the sense that the distinction is more social than biological, however, that distinction does not, and has never, rested with the individual but with society. People in US have a hard time grasping this because

I’m not saying race doesn’t have a massive impact on everyone’s lives. Maybe rachel’s saying that but I’m not. And if she’s saying transitioning her race is solving any kind of problem, then yeah thats a problem too. But what I don’t understand is, since race is indisputably a social construct, why can’t someone

I’ve been using this lately. Cheap as hell, makes my lashes look pretty incredible, and the mascara by itself sans fibers is also pretty good. Legit replaced my $$ Dior mascara.

Get your messaging in order, friend. You can’t lead with “the area is heavily conservative” and conclude with “the people to blame here are lazy liberals” who can’t be bothered to actually vote. It’s one or the other, dummy.

It won’t matter if they do - there were eight republicans, meaning a LOT more republicans showed up to vote that time around. The area is heavily conservative; the Dems are simply outnumbered there. The only reason it became this close is because it was one D vs eight watered-down R’s. Consider this election lost.

Family Guy’s proud tradition of taking something funny and then adding nothing to it...

Hm...I don’t know. I think this kind of article might hurt your friend’s feelings, since she obviously wants children very badly but can’t have them.

As a documentarian, I used to think the AA would be the pinnacle of career. But lately, I don’t even watch them any more. It’s more indicative to me of how far we’ve fallen vs what we’ve accomplished. I haven’t become such a cynic as to think I wouldn’t love to have one, but I see the winners recently as people who

Don’t be an asshole, and don’t vape. If you do vape, then go outside.

Nobody is saying to ignore those other fights. They’re saying that by bringing them up when we are clearly talking about FGM, you’re distracting from a very important discussion. This is like a classical definition of sidetracking.

Did I ever say they weren’t? I specifically said biologically and publicly identifying as for a reason. And no I will not get out of here because you decided to come in here and derail an issue and make it about you. And if you can’t see how that bullshit “but what about circumsion” arises every single time FGM is

I haven’t seen any comment saying circumcision is “no big deal.” I’ve seen comments saying they aren’t the same, which they aren’t. They are radically different medical procedures with drastically different intentions and end results. The only people being silenced are the poor girls who undergo this procedure because

Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”

Yes, but there’s a time and a place to talk about nonconsentual circumcision of the penis. Generally speaking, it’s not when talking about forced clitorectomies, since that’s a specific problem that has proven pernicious and needs to be stamped out.