So you are hoping for a racially/religiously motivated murder instead of depression taken to its worst possible result?
So you are hoping for a racially/religiously motivated murder instead of depression taken to its worst possible result?
Let’s all jump to conclusions despite the lack of available evidence.
I don’t think he did it on purpose.
Bullshit. Plenty of mentally ill men don’t shoot up schools and obliterate their families.
That’s some horribly judgey, unsympathetic BS to say suicide is a selfish act. I’m not talking about this case in particular, which is clearly fucked up, but you just made a blanket statement about people who are ill and in so much pain that they don’t see another way out.
I don’t know if I would go as far as to say that suicide is a selfish act. There are plenty of people who commit suicide who are truly suffering and in their case, it may be the best thing for everyone. I’m not going to call someone dying of cancer selfish because they want to end things early and not put themselves…
Not for real? HAHAH They weren’t even the only ones to think this was an awesome idea! You are not ready to press play on this video. PREPARE YOURSELF
woah judgey much?
Every person comes out (or doesn’t) on their own terms. You can’t force someone to be a gay role model, even if they’re a celebrity. You admit in your own comment that it requires courage to come out. Also, people are entitled to privacy if they so choose, I would say especially in regard to their sex life.
I like the Kardashians a lot, I think they work hard and seem like nice people and they’re entertaining/nice to look at.
Basically, the same shit they’re doing now to Ed Sheeran. For awhile it was Anne Hathaway, then it was Ariana Grande, and whatever. The writers get on a haterade about a specific celebrity and comments are full of lemmings.
The Gawkerverse has a really uncomfortable streak of building up and tearing down young (mostly white) famous women. I’ve always thought it disconcerting at the least, and overly woke posturing at the worst, all at the expense of real people where the punishment doesn’t really fit the alleged crime.
Agreed. I find it weird this is debatable about whether its wrong. Its wrong. Its worse than just wearing make up. You’re setting equally bad expectations by wearing all these invisible makeup products and then selling them as your natural skin/face.
That is still a significant amount of effort. I fully support Alicia on this, but as someone with acne scars, under eye hyper pigmentation, and sparse and nearly invisible eyebrows, it’s important to note the effort. Is putting a clear mattifyer significantly different than my tinted moisturizer with an spf? No. I…
But she’s not deliberately NOT wearing make up. She deliberately PRETENDING not to wear make up while she’s actually wearing make up to bring into focus the unrealistic expectations being placed on a woman’s appearance while creating another level of the already existing deception by trying to pass off a face with…
John McCain is a coward and deserves as much pain as the rest of them. Don’t fall for the maverick nonsense, he always falls in line.
But but but... what about Crispin Glover? Everybody forgets he was in this movie too, being his usual weird-ass self.
How was he radicalized? Where was he praying? Why didn’t neighbors report him?
Yep. I’m here for Carol until she is officially killed off. Though, ugh, I really want Rosita to turn it around because AMC shows are so plagued with the most loathed women characters. It’s Skylar White, Lori, and Andrea (who seriously, never did anything truly wrong and was demonized for trying to broker peace…
Do it! Plenty of cats in shelters are waiting for a loving home.