I’ve seen zero of those movies...and you may have picked the only three movies that I would skip in this scenario...
I’ve seen zero of those movies...and you may have picked the only three movies that I would skip in this scenario...
The fact that they’re panning Zorn and looking forward to the terrible shitshow that will be RHPS without Tim Curry throws every other review into question IMO.
Mine isn’t. Granted it’s only about a year and a half old, but it’s chill as fuck whereas every relationship I’ve had before it has definitely been exhausting.
This relationship looks exhausting.
“Robert E. Lee” came in second.
It’s so true. I once worked on a project where everyone was expected to stay at least an hour late after work, skip lunch, come in on weekends...just to do it. There wasn’t any extra work to be done, everyone just tried to out-stay each other because management looked favorably on that. Silliness. Then one day, this…
You cynical fucks can go fuck yourselves, 60 points on 50 shots is literally the perfect ending to Kobe’s career.
The fact that today’s music still sounds the same as 90s music might be the greatest indictment of the shitty music scene that’s out there now.
Yeah Curry can only win titles without having to specially stack the deck in his favor.
Yeah Curry can’t do what James does which, basically is lose in the finals repeatedly.
He definitely looks in perfect form to lose to the Warriors in 5.
One thing you could do is watch the movies yourself instead of asking other people on the internet to feed you information like a mother bird drops worms into the mouths of her babies.
If they collectively last more than 64 hours then call a doctor.
“I guess”?!?! Man, this teaser got me more hyped than the Force Awakens teaser. Darker, grittier, and another strong female protagonist—I’m all in.
coming from the guy who probably owns a couple sports jerseys with other mens names written on the back. i remember wearing those when i was 12.
This looks rad. Mads Mikkelsen and Alan Tudyk are in this too. We’re kind of living in a “fun Disney movie” renaissance right now with how good TFA was, and the recent slate of Marvel/Avengers type movies. I don’t think I’ve been motivated to pay full price at a regular theater to see movies in a long time.
They could clean up and re-release 1979's Bulgarian Star Wars featuring Iaon Solo as a standalone and probably make $1 billion worldwide
He was a partner in the Houston office of my law firm prior to running for Congress. Despite being largely conservative and Republican, everyone in the office (and the firm, generally) loathed him, so much so that to this day, no one wants to use his former office. It’s considered tainted.