
You aren’t funny. I suspect other people have told you that too and you’ve ignored them.

Great work but I have a headache from all of the incredibly silly betting jargon. These guys are no better than crack dealers.

Please stop treating these people like gods. They are normal people that can sing. That’s it.

That’s probably not good.

That is one of my rules. Always go to lunch outside of the office if you can. Leave for an hour and stop thinking about work.

He can do so much more.

How is he one of the best basketball minds in history? Because he tells people that?

That does not happen in the books. The pug already died last season.

Can you imagine not driving since 1996? Damn.

Wasn’t this movie supposed to be about the first time makeup was worn?

Great point. I forget we live in the 1890s with no access to information outside of conversations with the man who runs the general store in town.

Why are all of my posts pending? C’mon, man!

One thing you could do is watch the movies yourself instead of asking other people on the internet to feed you information like a mother bird drops worms into the mouths of her babies.


I did not see a cannon. Where was it? On a ship?

That is what Mr. Patel WANTS you to believe.

No he’s not. I know Mr. Patel and you are not him, sir!

How can anyone believe this guy isn’t a team cancer at this point?

Love the JD reference!

Oh jesus...I just laughed so hard I almost threw up.