Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
Welcome back to Behind Closed Ovens, where we take a look at the best and strangest stories from inside the food…
I grew up on a farm and we raised sheep so I do know about sheep.
Air Force Brethren must be friends with Wig Lady, who thinks "I'm pretty sure my granddaughter worked at Hollister for the summer, back in the 90s" means that I should give her a mall employee discount. Please, continue to play Six Degrees of Barely Relevant so I can come up with a reason to give you sixty cents off…
I have a zero tolerance policy for people who tell me I would love my biological child the most, or implying that you can't love stepchildren, or that your feelings change when something is ripped from lions and/or loins. I'm adopted. What they're saying is that my parents didn't love me as much as their "real"…
Hear, hear! This was great.
Egg-cellent gif. Here's a toast to ya
This post is Food Babe Science (tm) Approved!
This makes me so proud, you have no idea.
She just had a Crunchy allergy, thats all.
I am a working cook, as well as an instructor at a culinary school in Canada. I regularly reference BCO in class, trying to prepare my students for the unbelievable fuck-wittery waiting for them out in the 'real' world. These poor kids have no idea what awaits them...
I refuse to believe that "Microseries" is a word.
There's a punctuation missing there, for sure. It's Friday, (wo)man, and I'm on (legally prescribed) barbiturates.
I have been COUNTING THE DAYS until the Horrible Sleeve Trend (shoulder seam dropped to middle of upper arm, dolmans, batwings, all of it) dies a well-deserved death. Fashion people, you're sending mixed signals. You demand that we be as thin and angular as possible, then you design shit that looks dumpy and shapeless…
Don't give one fuck about where people choose to pee. So long as it's not on the seat.
Did anyone else unwillingly envision Peter Pan getting his/her ass motorboated in this scene? That is ALL I COULD THINK OF.
Somebody needs to dub a Marnie orgasm scene with the rooster crowing from that last clip.
I feel sorry for Allison Williams.