Diana Lucas Leavengood

That horrible prick will live forever.

Those who don’t do the same should feel ashamed!

Oh, that’s an awful thought. We’d better get some great stuff back, like cold fusion and a some good news about the Climate Crisis. Or ISIL just giving up and going home.

I’m predicting we will be out of awesome before the end of February but no worries. We still have the Koch brothers, the GOP, the owner of Jimmy Johns, Donald Trump and as someone mentioned up thread, Ted Nugent. Some say life isn’t fair but I prefer death isn’t fair.

You seem like fun.

Is that what’s depressing? Really?

We cannot continue at this rate. Well be out of awesome before June.

This month can end. What the hell? That’s enough loss for one month, surely.

You do realize that it’s unconstitutional to retroactively invalidate contracts, right?

I tried really (kinda) hard to care about this whole thing. For some reason I can’t muster the level of outrage Alissa can. I’m more pissed off that her greedy, capitalist bosses at Gawker offshored their company to The Caymans to avoid millions in taxes. But hey, they’re lefties.

What the fuck are you talking about?

This is a frightening peek into our Branded™ and overly litigious future.

Kool Aid drinkers born every second.

I think you’re right. I think our troops were treated about the same as we would have treated theirs.

If you have such a pride problem that you would get yourself and your crewmates killed along with likely starting a war, you definitely don’t belong in the military.

The best part about that sentiment is that the Iranians literally didn’t try anything. There wasn’t a ransom or any demands at all. Just a “hey, you guys seem lost. want a ride?”

A guy I know on Facebook was all up in arms about this situation, saying it happened because our President is weak, and if we have a strong President, the Iranians never would have tried anything. Standard hot take stuff, whatever. I thought the real gem was someone he knows:

Everyone seems to agree that these boats inadvertently drifted into Iranian waters.

Those of us fortunate enough have been trained on these situations know these sailors did what they needed to do. Never, ever, ever believe anything you see in a confession video.

No they aren’t.