Diana Lucas Leavengood

Oh my god the birthday parties. The Birthday Parties. I could die of all the exhaustion just watching some of these other parents.

A. Crappy child/disabled/elder care

Ageism is alive, well, and applauded. Self-examination is a good thing for everyone.

Whether I agree with her opinions or not, I think asking older women—especially one of Greer’s background— to sit down and let the young’uns take over is a bit much, too.
Let her talk and defend her views, or let her talk and change her views. If we just tell her to sit down and shut up, old lady with outdated views,

Who cares if they paid attention to the game or not. They bought their ticket- they have the right to enjoy their seats anyway they want as long as they aren’t hurting anyone.

Cannot believe some of the comments down thread still trying to tear these young women down because they didn’t devote the proper attention to the holy rite of baseball/aren’t even ‘saving the world’.

Waiting for the comments calling these women stupid/selfish/just looking for fame/etc. It would be perfectly in keeping with the cunty attitude by commenters lately.

See? THAT is how you respond to an Internet shaming.

It’s basically her and her son vs everyone else (5 other deputies I think) so the guy who reported it wasn’t out on a wire by himself.

I get the feeling he’ll be getting some icy stares, all of them from Kim Davis and her son. I imagine the rest of the deputy clerks and other staff will be doling out high-fives and cake.

No, this is her doing. She’s a total nutbar.

She’s just a hateful little antithesis-of-Christian troll.

Further proving this was never about her religious beliefs if she is altering forms that other people have signed. She hates gay people, period.

I’m really ready for her sanctimony pony to throw a shoe.

It’s...not a thing. The subculture of people who are “poly” and “chill” doing heroin casually with people they meet online is exceedingly small. Please don’t do this again. I don’t even know you and I care about you more than a bored poly housewife who’d give an inexperienced stranger heroin.


We flew back into March AFB after the ‘03 invasion at 1 a.m. We were welcomed by an American Legion dude with an American flag cake. We took accountability and got on buses to Twentynine Palms, where our families/fiancees/etc. were waiting. No formation (thank fuck), but the MCCS ladies did give us tropical leis. It

We’re the ones who need asylum from her.

She needs an asylum for her crazy.

“asylum” for her “conscience” lol