
I am a veteran who supports Kaepernick, and have had many arguments with my wife and brother about this. They’ve gotten tired of me calling them closet racists, so they avoid this sort of topic around me.

“Oh, it’s our turn again? Glad you guys finally got here.” -basketball

Thank you for this. It always makes me feel better when I’m not alone in feeling alone, if that makes sense.

“As students at Penn State, Parker and Birth of a Nation co-writer Jean Celestin were both tried and acquitted of rape in 1999.”

When you make such claims you better back them up.

You’re not engaging with arguments made.

“As students at Penn State, Parker and Birth of a Nation co-writer Jean Celestin were both tried and acquitted of rape in 1999.”

Want to bring that mentality to men accused of rape? Didn’t think so.

You came into a thread talking about how Amy Schemer handles hecklers well, and started saying she sucks as a comic and hey Maria Bamford. This isn’t an “argument” that people want to engage with you in, because its completely out of left field, it’s a dumb argument because all it is is opinions and of course we’re

You do realize that a pro-woman discussion of female comics allows Maria Bamford and Amy Schumer to co-exist? Schumer’s success is only a detriment to Bamford if you believe that women inherently must compete with one another and that there’s only room for one of them.

Thank you so much for the explainer, I was completely lost on how or why this could be a thing.

He’d almost certainly have been refused bail if he’d kidnapped a stranger. Judges (and police, and prosecutors, and juries, and the general public) tend to see domestic violence as totally different, and much less severe, than “regular” violence, because it’s only directed at a woman the abuser is entitled to, and the

I like Dr. Bronners but it can get a lil too **spicy** sometimes.

Listen, I know you think us Millenials are annoying (we totally are sometimes), but could you olds at least blame us for dumb things that we’ve actually had a hand in bringing back? Like manbuns. That was totally and completely our bad.

Hope this helps? 😊

exactly. people are seriously misconstruing the purpose and need for trigger warnings.