
He graduated magna cum laude, which is top 10% at most law schools. Maybe it was different back then at HLS, but he certainly was near the top of the class if he was magna cum laude.

Am assuming that by She’s All That you mean She’s the Man.

How could you say that?

And he was in the top 10% of his class at Harvard Law.

I haven’t watched this show yet so to me he’s still Lane Kim’s Christian classmate who’s obsessed with assistant pastor Eric.

Yeeeah I was off it for a while, but I missed out on a lot of important news from friends because they expect everyone to see things on facebook, and then they’d feel bad for not reaching out and I wouldn’t want them to feel bad since I’m the one who chose not to participate. It just got weird.

Seriously I do not understand and probably will never understand this. Twitter and Facebook are not governmental venues, they are not subject to the first amendment, and they do not have to tolerate hate speech. But they choose to do so.

Is the notion that you can disagree with and dislike someone but still believe that they shouldn’t have to tolerate sexual harassment really that complicated?

If it’s true that Kelly said this, good for her for not keeping silent. Being honest about such things takes bravery.

Bro no need to hold it hostage, just get a lawyer. And ideally some other Aaron Carter interns if they exist. #CollectiveActionYoSelf

This is what I don’t get - even if she DID give it to him, that’s the kind of gift you give back if you get divorced if you have even an ounce of humanity in your soul.

Holding women to higher standards than you hold men is just perpetuating sexism. Women should be held to those standards, but if you’re going to criticize women for not being perfect feminists, men should get just as much criticism for that.

Aren’t they both just huge dorks when it comes down to it? I don’t know, it makes sense to me.

Even if they did, so what? She co-wrote the song. If she doesn’t care anymore who knows it because she doesn’t have the awkwardness of him being her boyfriend anymore and people expecting them to collaborate more, why the hell shouldn’t she take credit for her accomplishments?

Soo when the rumor is swirling and she’s directly asked and she doesn’t have a reason to keep it a secret anymore she didn’t...lie? We’re upset that she didn’t lie about her own successes even though there was no reason to? And she’s petty for not lying even though, why would she lie?

Yeah, Swift’s rep was actually clarifying the record in Calvin’s favor because the rumors were that she was the sole author of the song, and the rep said no, she was a co-writer.

Nah, her team was directly asked because rumors were swirling and Harris had said after they recorded it and everything that he couldn’t imagine collaborating with her, implying they hadn’t done so in the past.

Really?? This made me LESS Team Calvin. Rumors swirl that she helped write it, he’s said some stuff after they recorded it saying he would never collaborate with her (suggesting she didn’t help write it) and then her rep truthfully confirms that she did when directly asked.

If it’s any consolation, if it actually happens you probably won’t think or do any mental calculus at all because instinct will kick in and your body will do whatever your adrenaline tells it to do.

Yeah, not saying it’s something we want, but that it would go to the people instead of an automatic republican appointment until the end of the term as in other states.