Huge fan of creepy, baeeball version of secret upskirt cam.
Ugh. His embarassment was my pain...........
Meh. Not as boneable as the animated version
Thanks, I must be remembering the deleted scene from my Quadrology special edition. But I am a strong proponent of discluding deleted scenes from any film-based canon. As such, Dr. Lizardo has a point.
Am i misremembering?
Don't get me wrong: I love Star Wars. And I really like IO9.
Just thinking about it gives me BM.
Sooooooo.....its just like the toy that I bought my son when Episode 1 was rereleased? Or can it cut a Sith Lord in half?
Spot on spot on.
You must be new to the world of Blogs. You want straight journalism, buy a newspaper — they could use the business. This is a post about the weird places on Reddit — the main tag is WTFriday — obviously means to be, at best, a interest post on a internetical oddity.
That actually doesn't look like an uncool way to bite it. ;)
The best part of the facehugger is that it is both penis and vagina.
Why does David the Android have to wear a helmet? Hmmmmm
Cannot wait to see Stringer Bell get turned into something slimy.
Oh sure — it looks like it's just a bunch of lines squiggling on the wall, but then you look closer and you can see that its a bunch of dots on the wall moving rhythmically to the music. And then a closer looks reveal that its lines of tiny 4-legged people moving clay blocks towards the center of the spinning hexagon…
Maybe they naturally have crazy eyes
Photographer: For this shot, I'd like you to sit right here and stare off into the distance — like you just stepped outside and you see something coming at you in the distant night sky.