Whitney Houston is the third:
Whitney Houston is the third:
I was thinking Korie Lucious. But I think my timing is off.
I call a gigantic Penthouse Forum -sized BULLSHIT ons tory #1.
Just installed it, tried a few different vocie commands didn't get any I was looking for ("SEarch In an dOut" returned not one hit on the local fast food joint — instead I got several locksmiths, also "Call xxxxx (my wife) did not bring her up even in the list of suggestions).
They all sound like when you have to fart, but you're in public or at work or something, and so you hold it until it turns into one of those deep internal rumbles that don't rip like a fart, but, instead, groan like an old man getting into a warm tub.
Such a goldmine of WTF:
In the dense forests of Siberia dwells the strange and beautiful creature known as Mammoth, perhaps.
"the novice director James Cameron, took over — only to be displaced by the producers, who basically second-guessed his decisions and then kicked him out of the editing booth afterwards."
That donkey was humping that haystack. Where's Tipper Gore when you need her?
Its just like eating dry marshmallows!
(stifling giggles)
Whatever happened to prioritizing remote controls — determining which you need least at that moment, and stealing those batteries?
There is only one parallel universe
"I have ridden the mighty Moon Worm."
The four most-used passwords are: love, sex, secret, and god.
1/20/92 - the day that the corner was turned
Just thought I'd open up a thread dedicated to other poor likeness tattoos.
We have confirmation: Michael Strahan is genuinely a dick.
Spot on. Spot on. Of course, you probably went to classes when you were at University.