
Whenever I read about a problem that can only be solved by higher taxation, I immediately understand there is no real problem, just an attempted money-grab. 

I get it. This site and the majority of users on it don’t like Trump, but what’s with the hate over this? I’m just seeking clarification... Do we want to eliminate all air shows or just this one? The Blue Angels and the Air Force’s Thunderbirds have been around for decades. Does everyone have a problem with air shows

Was this part of Obama’s ‘shovel ready jobs’ program when they spent billions on basically nothing?

This, much like the bonuses and wage increases American employees are getting because of the tax cut bill, does not fit Splinter’s socialist agenda. So they get extra defensive with stuff like this because they know it makes their cause look stupid.

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

counter-point: if you can afford to spend $770,000 on a camaro then odds are money isn’t an issue for you.

Your logic is flawed. We shouldn’t be subsidizing ANYTHING. Either its viable in a free market, or it’s not.

Make them less ugly and cheaper and you wont have to bribe people to buy them. Why is that not an option??

As long as we also end corn subsidies, funding to the Middle East to stabilize oil production, and tax breaks for oil companies I’m ok with this too.

It’s funny because now if you disagree with the left on any issues you are declared a Nazi and should be punished. WWII vets are weeping for our generation.

Hell even actual self-proclaimed neo nazis are just assholes who believe terrible shit. None of them are actually trying to commit genocide (i.e. actual nazis).


No, they don’t.