
You sir win the internet today, it is yours to do what you see fit today..

Now if we can just get Soros to die as well

seems like there is a story here..

Im with you... I dont get the vitriol.. I get it, you dont like Trump.. get over it.. Its the 4th of July, Its Murica, lets celebrate.. the money that is wasted(name any pointless government program) is a shot in the bucket compared to the 92 million this will cost, if Obama or Hillary would have done this(we know

That Chassis is as tired as a whore on dollar night.. enough of the gimmicks, lets see a new one already

wanna change the view.. do this.. Id buy this now..

New York, what a surprise.. thought for sure it would have been California’s 9th..

Time to move to Texas...

Who cares what the peoples republic of California does, dont like it move..(what I did) As long as its not unconstitutional, do what-eva..

I disagree with you, I think the right management comes up with a strategy, plan and executes if given the right people below him or her to do it. Now if you are talking about actual goods like make a plunger or a piece of software I say no they don’t produce anything, but they do build the strategy and plan to build

So you dont think there is fanatics on both sides?? Do you ever think we will get back to a norm where there are common sense people? Im/Was a Fiscal Conservative, Social Moderate, I lean more Independent now as I get more jaded by the 2 party system, would vote for the right Democrat, but more likely vote R, like

I think both sides have gone crazy.. (See Maxine Waters)

If the Ring brothers did this to a Javlin, Imagine what a Corvair would look like. The new mid/rear engine corvette doner car.. built onto a Corvair would be amazing.. The Javlin the stretched 2 feet I think it was.. the proportions are perfect..I can just dream about what those maniacs would do.. I can never afford

I love mine... Im a big dude 6-5 240lbs, I fit perfect in the car, handles awesome, tons of power.. Love the car.. never gonna let her go(que the rick roll)

great response. Im not sure long term, if this right or wrong time will tell, but we have to do something, the last 8 years didnt work, lets try this..It seems to be working for me.. As a middle income guy, its helping me..

Your federal ban your response is epic.. the left never stops..The new Amazons head quarters are going to bring not only the jobs that come in from amazon, but also the support companies that will follow.. You as a employee of Amazon are GOING to spend your money locally.. and than that will drive other economic

Did I miss something I read the report on wired, why is she asking for 6 million... Did he do something (to) wong

Im just here to watch the gawker folks loose there minds..

But don’t we want the federal government to run healthcare??