Rubber Suited Farts

People crack jokes such as this not because they don't know how to cope, but because they don't give a flying rats ass about the situation in the first place. There are two types of jokers:

This is some serious Power Ranger style shit.

I have a gamertag that includes the word "gringo," which is a Spanish word often used to describe an "American," or English speaking white person. I've reused it on multiple services, and am regularly the target of racist comments by people who mistakenly think I am Hispanic/Latino/etc.

Yeah, it ruins a game for me. I play games to ESCAPE reality (which is full of assholes), not be subjected to the rants of racist morons. If that's what I wanted I'd just talk to a politician or police officer.

He wants broke people to shell out less than he makes in a month. Clearly his faith in this game is limited. What a tool. Why can't the richest 1% just make their money quietly without trying to rip off the rest of us and bitching about paying their taxes?

When will this stop. I'm tired of seeing this posted on every gaming news site as if it's the announcement of a new console.

People have far too much time on their hands.

No it's from a fan made project started over on the TRMK forums to recreate the first MK in HD using MUGEN. They have done a lot of nice work so far.

Go home Sam, you're drunk.

This is the best one.

It feels like everyone is just awkwardly ignoring him while he goes ape shit.

Does it even need to be said (or, has it already been a hundred times)?

Oh. My. God. He must've fantasized that the whole thing would've played out like Scott Pilgrim. That makes it all the more depressingly hilarious.

A drugged drink and a gag are all the captors need. Your passport is a nice thing, but is easily discarded.

The scariest takeaway from this whole thing is that the criminal would've been able to successfully carry out his scheme if he'd not gotten over-ambitious. The fine line is a very frightening place.

Boxing > UFC. Always and forever.