Rubber Suited Farts

they should use this picture of Pelé

lovely just lovely

I'm pretty sure this is the license plate.

How much of a pathetic insecure sandy vagina do you have to be to get road rage.

This is actually kind of awesome.

How many Trabants does one man need!? I bet the protesters were like "Yes! Free cars! ... Ah shit, never mind."

WTF is that? I say "Don't burn it". Why must we destroy what we can't understand?

Thank you for not burning the cars, Ukraine.

completely agreed, wished someone that had played the original played it in the video tho.

might not be intentional, but I got the same vibe from reading the article.

Now don’t get me wrong. If you think Space Dandy is hilarious, that’s great. It just means we have different tastes in humor. I just happen to enjoy humor more complex than what Space Dandy has to offer.

Obviously the reviewer didn't see the episode about the girl with the body-swapping power, because it proved that more dramatic and feels-oriented episodes are possible. The reviewer seems to believe that episodic television without strict continuity can't also be dramatic, which is a fallacy if I've ever seen one.

Are you kidding me? I don't even know where to start with you. First of all, she wrote an obituary, which needed to be written in the present. Also, if you think all of this crap doesn't affect someone's present then you certainly have not had to deal with any of this, or, you're in complete denial.

Who gives a fuck if she did that? Tears won't bring the dead back to life.

The cops tears only proved as incrimination against her after she realized she shot and killed a kid who was holding a Wii remote, among the many confusing stories that say the cops were certain it was a weapon.

Your right.

I never said he said that.

If that's how you choose to read it.

Not sure the cops tears really outweigh the tears of the parent in the situation.