
Try using it outside the US or Europe...

My old boss didn't have a technical bone in his body. Great with financial analysis and business management strategies but couldn't even hook up a washing machine with instructions.

I'm with you 100%

Spoiled much... Every single game I play online has a ping in the 350's. ;)

Just the scales of un-biased reporting having to balance out a bit. Lots of Pro-Apple stories gets other fanbois pissed off, so now they're trying to make them happy while pissing off Apple fanbois. Don't worry too much, they'll be back on how amazing Apple is and how innovative they are for having enlarged an iPod

OK, so this weekend in Dubai (Thu-Fri) I got my hands on this rather interesting... thing.

We've been undergoing a massive gun removal scheme here in RSA. Gov issued that all firearm owners have to re-apply through a process that has left 95% of licences being rejected. This is a way to disarm the population, crime is now rampant because a law abiding citizen cannot get a 9mm to defend himself and his

Haha, just doing your bit in the fight against prostate cancer ;)

Really... A Black, Round-cornered, Rectangular shaped digital display device with multi-touch?

Don't get those where I'm from so the iPhone was the next closest thing I could think of when squinting my eyes to take away discerning features, minus the metal sides that is. Both in a case it'd look a lot like an iPhone 4 :)

I hope they Lawyer up like crazy. If Apple can score a $1B dollar fine out of Samsung for Tablets / Phones that look nothing like the iPhone / iPad then this does not bode well for one that I thought looked very much like an iPhone before reading the header.

Go my mom an XTouch Android Tablet from Dubai, cheap as can be, but she'll be using it for nothing more than Angry Birds and ebooks anyway.

Yes, half way to having the sweat boil right off your skin.

I know what you mean. What makes it so bad for me is that I'm stuck in Saudi far away from my wife in South Africa when I received the call. 3 Weeks earlier she heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, then it was silent and the doctor had to schedule an emergency operation for her. She called me just after I

Every time I see the Sauron's Tower I can't help but think of the Kingdom Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

(though as some folks are noting in the comments, those resemblances seem to be that they are both transparent are somewhat skull-shaped; the movie skull is less human)

OK, before last week I would have just been really, really upset at reading this. But last week my wife had a miscarriage and we lost our baby before ever having had the chance to meet him or her.

I love my 50mm f/1.8 AF-D lens. It's amazing on my D7000. I've used it on my D5000 too, but then it's manual focus only and the Aperture ring has to be locked to f/22 for the Camera to handle it.

I once ordered a Micro Flash Drive, around 1 GB back then from a retailer and their driver accidentally dropped off an MP3 player along with it. I phoned them up to report it, they thanked me saying the poor driver was in so much trouble and he was relieved to know the location. Next day he came round to pick it up

Meh, this seems quite biased to the US.