
At least I drink Scotch. 12 Year minimum with 15-18 being my choice. It's guaranteed that the youngest whisky in the blend is at least 12 years of age. I've never had a hangover from the good stuff and never tried the bad stuff. One more factor, if you're spending $80-100 on a bottle you don't mix it with anything

I just submitted my Visa application for the UAE, Year End Function will be held at Atlantis, the Palm's Saffron Restaurant. Small price to pay for such an amazing spread on the Company's account :)

Same with South Africa - Had Nukes, gave them up.

Same in South Africa (Post-Apartheid)

Steam is pissing me off. I have not been able to purchase a single game from their store, either via PayPal or directly with my Card. Every single time I get a message that says an error has occurred and nada, zilch, zip even via the web site. So while I would love to buy a few games on special I can't. Just one more

I've probably put around 25,000 shots through my D7000 in 6 months and so far have not noticed any problems yet... I'll take a closer look.

I love how you put it. Yes, photography is about the photo, not the gear used. I've taken pics with my iPhone 4 that got rave comments from my friends on how great they look, just because of composition and framing. First tip I give any new photographer wannabe is to look up the rule of thirds, that already improves


Good one you Kid.

The information you have provided has been logged into my database of badassery to be used at a later moment in time (Probably 01/04/2013) and at an as yet undisclosed location.

It's funny as hell dude. I just ask because I've seen some strange laws in my travels.

Yeah, that's the Programmed Auto mode. First thing I do when a friend gets a camera with a mode dial is to set it to P mode for them. Keeps the annoying flash from popping up, and allows for ISO and Exposure Compensation. As a Plus it doubles as a quick A (Av) mode selector on Nikon so you can change Aperture while

I have the 35mm F/1.8 as well as the 50mm. Would love to go FX one day.

Haha, yes. Auto focus for normal snaps works great, just one less thing to worry about, but no way that helps when doing macro... Plus shooting in RAW is always colour ;)

At least I'm not that Guy :P

Down side of being in Africa, lice outbreaks at school. My brother and I got it while in Primary School and we got the Betadine Kit, shampoo and a comb. My mom's a teacher so she knows the drill. When we got home after school my brother and I had to take turns at the bath. Before the shampoo we would run our fingers

What country is this?

Those deodorizing crystals... They work like a charm on your feet too. :)

Here's the kicker, maybe a year or two from now Facebook will be trading at $125 a share and then she'll sue her lawyer for telling her she should get a refund in the first place. America... F$#K YEAH!