
Ping... The captain has turned on the Seat Belt sign... drinks are still served. OK

$200 stupid tax paid.

For shame... you mentioned Chromium without referencing Futurama.

I'm currently playing The WarZ MMO... Quite a good game, along the lines of DayZ but not as full of crap as needing transfusions. Although the same elements are there, complete Asses who shoot on sight to take your can of soup. Give it a try.

Burn... or is that Lawyered. Only a racist would care about the colour of a damn PCB... really. I remember back in the day when all boards were green, then along came Asus / Gigabyte / MSI and changed it up as a fashion statement right around the time people started cutting holes in the sides of their Boxes. It

Smoly Prap on a Cancake... I hope everyone is doing ok there. In South Africa when we get lots of rain there are many people who drown when the rivers flood through the informal settlements. We don't get Hurricanes and I'm thankful for that, seeing this monster is scary as hell. Good luck to anyone getting hit by that.

Bwahahaha... Love this comment... Period. Best of the Day by FAR!

Looks like they were still busy writing :)

I've finished my first play through in Ironman mode. I only lost one mission because a bug forced me to quit the level, couldn't walk through a door, couldn't progress.

The main reason it's been gaining popularity in Australia is because we are slowly colonizing you guys. Heck Afrikaans is now considered a regional language there. I guess you have to supply them what what they enjoy, Rooibos tea, Rusks, Biltong and Braai :)

Hehe, like everyone either drives a BMW or a Ford... If you can't drive a BMW you drive what you can aFrod :D

That's just it, they are no longer luxury items, they've become as common as tampons, every second #$%@ has one - you don't see every second #$$%# with an Aston Martin.

Chuck was the only one who survived the Ice Age. Some say the Ice Age didn't survive Chuck Norris. Needless to say this does clarify a few things.

I was wondering the exact same thing. And a friendly fire incident would be less lethal, but crippling nonetheless and expensive to the Taxpayer.

If you want to read a really good review of the Surface head over to

Best part is there are comments here about how it's because Giz got no hands on time with the Surface... but as far as I know they had zero time with the Mini... Most of their coverage on the Surface is Gloom and Doom at best. Along with the absolutely Shitty Comment system they now have (needing troll bait to

Yet they had zero hands on time with the Mini before hyping it up so much?

Market share would beg to differ. They don't need mindless drones lining up outside a shop in the rain and snow and heat for a product that's essentially the same as the last one. Apple is all hype, MS has finally done something earth shatteringly different and all Giz can do is bemoan them, using pathetic

Head on over to this article, great coverage of the Surface, well written and unbiased as they clearly compared it to the iPad, tests and all -

Hey, I represent that statement ;)