
During simulated war games with South Africa 1 of our "outdated" diesel subs sank most of the Combined US / UK fleet. Granted the waters off our coast are amazingly suited to Sub warfare. So Yeah, big, expensive paperweight when you throw a few torpedoes at it. As they say, you can have the most advanced weapons known

Hehe... RSA did most of US's dirty work in Angola and then they dropped us at the last minute... So sad.

I am so loving this...

Well firstly the new iPhone, apart from great design, is a bit of a let down. So I'll just keep my iPhone 4 and not update to iOS 6, since the maps suck and while travelling abroad in the Middle East I trust Google, hasn't let me down yet.

Well if that's all it takes to make a product then here is my "Asian Party Pack"

They can't give you 720p now... what will they have to entice people to buy the 5s next year?

I couldn't agree more. I just did a wedding 3 weeks ago and was told by the couple that the preacher doesn't want the ceremony ruined by the photographer. I kept to my Zoom lens the whole way, with a 50mm on my second body.

I have a question... During the Arab Spring when Egypt cut off the internet the UN decided that along with Water and Food, Internet was now considered a basic human right... doesn't this mean that his rights as a human are being undermined? Granted, he should be supervised, but at least let him check his facebook page

Read first few lines, didn't read the rest... I wouldn't care one iota or loose any sleep at any celeb couple doing anything. I can hardly remember who played in what movie and find the world's fascination with celebrity gossip absolutely appalling. My own life is more interesting to me since I actually have a stake

Not to sound old, but back in my day games just got harder and harder until you died... Just like life.

Not much use... I'll take that off your hands if you like :P

I've been using Connectify (free) for almost 2 years now. Turns any Win7 PC into a WiFi hotspot. If you have a compatible WLAN card it sets up as an Access Point, otherwise it'll be Ad-Hoc. Works like a charm.

Got me some of them balls in Dubai Airport. Suckit US-Nanny State!

Damn my early adopter attitude. I have the Original Series 7 Slate, no Keyboard dock and low res screen. Curses.

"...will surely usher in a new age for science in Africa."

When someone does a wooden cover or back plate for an iPhone it's all Ooh and Aah and Genius but when another phone gets the same treatment... then it's a turd... Fanboy much?

Yeah, I know that flying and being in a window seat gives you the equivalent dose as a nice x-ray session. Sad thing is I fly roughly 20 hours a month for business - 8 Hours at a time from JNB to DBX. I prefer to sit in the middle thanks.

You said Balls... Plural.

Because nothing beats the thrill of flying in a microwave oven :P

You sir... eyes, tears, blank stares from others in the office... suffice to say, I lol'd.