
Fry: Hurry up! I wanna get to the moon!

I'm all for science, since I have a Theistic world view it accommodates the proof of science and its discoveries along with my faith and belief in a Creator God. As you said, who is to say He didn't lay down the foundation of relativity and the laws of physics, snapped His fingers (Big Bang?) and watched from a

Ok, so today is my Birthday and thanks to you sharing this I decided to get myself a T-Shirt by donating $50 to this project for a historical crazy ass genius that I greatly admire, plus I want to boost the South African contribution seeing as most of the Continent is too cheap to assist.

Hahahaha... That made me laugh!

Agreed, people complain about the darnedest things, like they have no mental aptitude or the will to learn something new. Like Win8's semantic zoom, no scrolling and scrolling and scrolling needed.

^ what (he / she / it) said!

I've been using SecurityKISS here in Saudi - it's free for up to 300 Mb per day and if all you need is a bit of data for emails or to see a blocked clip on YouTube it's fine.

Fine and well, but where the hell did the Landscape view disappear to? I hate not being able to type on the larger keyboard... One small step for speed, one giant fail for usability.

Yeah, not a fun day at the office. I'm working on a contract for another large Saudi Petro-Chemical company and as a precautionary measure they've "cut the line" to the outside world - bored out of my scull and surfing the web using tethering.

Here's a better image of the 737 vs the A380

Nope... They can fit like puzzle pieces. Their forward fuselages are long enough for a shot like this. Considering the 777 has one of the largest engines it's a nice comparison.

It's funny how everyone seems excited about how awesome the new Outlook and SkyDrive looks. MS is switching their webapps over to the "Metro" look. If people like this, then they'll love Windows 8 "Metro" or whatever it's going to be called.

Maybe later on... DLC ?

Bingo, Intel is already changing their UltraBook spec to include Touch for Win8. I have the Series 7 Slate, and while it is every bit as awesome as it looks I can kick myself for being an early adopter seeing these beauties around the corner.

I loved the game back in the day, my brother thought it was utter crap. But then again, I liked strategy and management games and he played Duke Nukem. To each his own.

Somehow I don't think he'd approve ;)

Check out the upcoming Asus Transformer Book - Slate PC, in an UltraBook clam shell form with detachable keyboard and pointing device. Still a multi touch screen with Wacom Supported and it's an i7... Meets all your needs.

"The calculated values we will discuss assumes a particular body temperature for the Tauntaun/Luke sandwich"

Hmmm... Thanks for the reading - Never knew about Operation Norwood.

I'd prefer island... Barge just sounds dirty.