
Just keep the lake clean... Mkay ;)

Intelligence by Brain to Body ratio

My dad's one loved to imitate the sound of the fax machine as well as the land line phone. Now seeing as you cannot change the ring tone that was quite frustrating. He'd use it when ever he got bored and wanted company.

Actually the US probably got there first.

Haha, my dad's one did the exact same thing. More impressively a friend's dad "inherited" one from his father who died of lung cancer - smoking. What's worse is the poor parrot had to have part of his left sinus and nostril removed because he also got cancer from the second hand smoke.

So... this is one member of the 1% group you actually like...?

Thank you... Even if we had it our bandwidth is prohibitively expensive at best. I have an Apple TV. It's only used to stream movies and music from my laptop. All the other cool features to watch would drain my 3G bundle in 20 min.

I almost sprayed my laptop with non-alcoholic beer when that one popped up.

Wow... I actually sat in a lecture about this, given by a member of the South African Justice Department doing his doctorate. He covered every single point given here as part of his research. Gripping stuff.

Come and take a look at the crime rate in Saudi Arabia? Very, very, very low. Death Penalty by beheading for Murder, Rape and Drug Trafficking (any amount is considered trafficking).

After some strategizing, Guillotin got an angle on it.

So this one time we were watching Arachnophobia on VHS... Late a night... and just as that spider jumped at the guy a big moth, that had been circling the light, decided to take a dive straight down our friend's neck into his shirt. He jumped up and went crazy screaming blue murder, rape and utter terror all rolled

One more reason to avoid moving to America... Thank you!

I don't know if this counts as photophobia, but when I was young I had a severe case of acute sinusitis and I wanted to die. I was stuck in bed, couldn't move my head without inducing unimaginable pain, and to top it off any light made my eyes feel like they could explode. I was perched up in bed, in a dark room (mom

This sums it up nicely!

You can always use a good Librarian!

Hearted; thanks for a good conversation, it's so scarce now with this new commenting system.

Sorry, got a little carried away, those comments were directed in general, not you specifically. My apologies. But the Foxtrot Oscar was quite Punny :P

Thank you kindly for that :)

Schweet Job, knowing you had a hand in it must rock on so many levels.