
Nope. Wont "tear it up" just puncture a hole in it. Given it's size you'd require a an entire army of .50's shooting it constantly for over an hour. In the 1st world war fighters and ground based machine gun fire found the were next to useless against the blimps, so the incendiary round was invented to actually set

I'd love to move to the US just so I can own something like this... It would be awesome indeed. I live in South Africa where getting just a small handgun is nearly impossible with all the stupid requirements, requiring psychological evaluation of everyone you've breathed upon in the last 10 years. Urgh... I have a

Actually no... After he asked the IAAF to be allowed to run he was shot down because of the "Unfair Advantage" thing. After the studies, with MIT and a German scientist (IIRC) they found that the blades are not nearly as efficient at transferring energy as the human body. He had to go before the Athletics court of

"Every Apple product oozes modern aesthetics"

" for a garbage dump in Africa!"

I'm sure some future squatter homeless guy will fashion a nice shack out of the two capsule pieces and use the parachute as a nice shade net.

Hehe... That one might be a fake, but did you check the Vid I posted lower down? That's real and impressive as hell.

A better question would be why we waste all the computing power in our pockets just launching birds at pigs?

My Dad's a Bush Pilot here in Africa. They've flow planes in a much worse condition than that, but he knows where to draw the line. Hydraulic pump broken, but backup still works, told to fly passengers my dad refused, saying he'd only fly that plane empty, with a co-pilot to go and get it repaired. He's not risking

"Windows 8 is not designed for big budget games and software, it is designed for cheap quick Apps like an iPhone. Hope this clears up why there is such an issue with it."

That's how I felt watching Transformers 3, or rather if I could stay awake throughout the over used slo-mo near the end. Also taking lots of drugs and whiskey on my 8 hour flights doesn't help.

That is assbackwards indeed.

Rubbing wood (that you cut) together to light a smoke... somehow the line "Like a Boss" seems to come to mind :)

Great... Just Great. The damn iPhone is already struggling to keep up with Afrikaans as we don't have a Dictionary file and thus makes AutoCorrect a nuisance at the very least. Now the bloody phone will "Predict" which keys are supposedly used more often - in English and the other big ones - and again minority

Exactly, if it were Microsoft doing this they'd have the Justice Department up in their business so fast it would make their heads spin. What Apple is doing is essentially abusing the broken patent system to "legally" engage in anti-competitive behavior. I can't wait to see how they'll throw their toys out of the cot

Bravo... Never heard it put quite like that, but thank you.

Wow... Just wow... You've obviously been a privileged person to never have needed to work in the services industry. It may be different where you're from but in South Africa your waiter is earning next to -all and rely heavily on tips. No wonder they hate serving Europeans or Americans, saying they rarely tip. Is a

In South Africa you have 3rd party Armed Response Security Firms like Chubb / ADT / etc. They react to your alarm and race to get there ASAP. You have a sign outside your home that shows which security firm you have so they can easily ID your home. Here comes the real problem, crims can see this too and usually know

That's fair and good, but remember the most technologically advanced weapons mean nothing when your enemy is bashing your brains in with a rock. You're facing people that have no problem blowing up their own people to get a few of yours.

That was mean of your dad... :(