John R. in Big D.

$115K in Silicon Valley is likely worse than half that at John Deere. For that, you can choose to spend half your take home on rent, or you can choose to commute an hour plus each way. I have a coworker who was on contract in Silicon Valley making bank (double or more that), and it was cheaper for him to keep his

The first year they were married, my dad (being the practical sort that he is) bought my mom something he thought was practical for Christmas.

It’s just another soul-sucking suburb, but for people of a certain age in DFW it represented everything that was wrong with entitled brats and their parents. Those people are now in the target demographic for Jalop readers, and DFW has massive turnstiles going both in and out.

You mean to tell me my new Matrix could be a Swift Sport?!

Live in Dallas, worked a contract in San Antonio for about seven months. The toll road was fantastic when I couldn’t get out of the office right at 2pm on Friday.

This needs to be Doug’s next car once he gets rid of the Viper...

Only problem with that theory...there are no Hardee’s in DFW. Where they exist (which isn’t that often), they are branded as Carl’s Jr.