Riley Schultz

I think this is a fine question. I think its great that people are actually talking about the cost of doing something vs nothing. Its good for people to understand what it really takes to ‘fix’ the NK problem. I bet he and his friend were just talking about these kinds of things, and wondered how others felt. I don’t

Jaw jaw is better than war war.

well yeah if you want to be technical... his question though implied a moral dilemma, would it be acceptable to sacrifice a ‘few’ for the good of the ‘many’

What percentage of the North Korean population has already died at the hands of and due to the rule of the Kim Dynasty?

How dare you.

What if leaving them isolated also means millions will die prematurely due to issues from living there such as poor living conditions, medicine and nutrition?

...and this is of interest why? He posited a moral dilemma on twitter and gets shit for merely daring to ask the question? Man people have become so f’in sensitive lately!!

If someone has a real suggestion as to how to get NK to simmer down, without any loss of life, I’d love to hear it.

Otherwise, facing the reality that NK is going to kill some certain number of people at some certain point in the future requires us to decide whether those casualties are on our terms or on Kim Jong

I mean.... it’s a valid question.

a) who would supercharge a Toyota Vibe?

14.7 is not rich, and will quickly put a hole in your piston at full throttle. Did you maybe mean 12.7?

I see a cool air intake, a NOS fogger system, and a T4 turbo. It has direct port nitrous, an AIC controller...

I heard the confrontation went down like this:

Had a 1997 GS-T auto. For a fun street car the autos are not as fun at all compared to the manual. For legit drag racing the 2G auto transmission is bad ass. Kiggly has it in the 7's. in his FWD 1g.

Seriously? No one has posted this yet?

In olden times they also would have used a drone, but they called it by a different nomenclature: Chinaman.

You know what this proves? You can’t rely on automotive journalists for a consensus. I’m not attacking journalism as such, I’m just saying that 0-60 in x second is a fact, how a car feels through a corner is, to certain degree, opinion and preference. And I’m on the “that Supra felt a bit lazy through a corner” camp.

<checks own name - confirms it's still PartyPooper2012>

Where is the rest of the horsepower? Demon has 840 and Hellcat has 707... and these are couple of years old now...