big if true
big if true
Not if you ask him, he went to the Ivy League you know, he’s very intelligent, one of the great memories of all time.
Oh for fucks sake.
Trump must have forgotten that part of The Art of The Deal is to know what Hell you are talking about first. Oh I forgot, that book was ghostwritten.
I, personally, am shocked that some nobody like myself knows more about the Japanese auto industry - and literally everything else - than the POTUS.
You know if I didn’t know any better... I’d be inclined to think Trump just might be a moron.
Yes, “shaking things up” with America being embarrassed to death by the ignorant ravings blurted by Orange Dumbass. Just when you think Trump can’t sink any lower, we get this kind of idiocy....
If he hadn’t been in the public eye continuously for the past 40 years, I might wonder if he had just time travelled from 1984.
Yet again with this individual
welcome to gawker (or univision or whatever)!
Ugh, can we not? There is no backlash. There are always a few idiots with a dumb “This is offensive!” take on something not offensive, and for some reason, the media likes to scour the internet for this tiny minority, amplify their platform, and make every liberal look like an idiot crybaby. Buzzfeed does it all the…
1/5th the F35 budget hell. We spend an ungodly fortune imprisoning people. We spend an even bigger fortune invading countries that haven’t done anything to us. We spend so much money on stupid shit it’s not even funny, but people get mad when we spend money trying to wean us from the OPEC teat? The mind boggles.
Because Lockheed Martin is not a private, for-profit enterprise?
Wait, you’re ok with taking tax dollars and handing it out to for-profit companies?
Who, exactly, do you think the F35 budget goes to?
It’s useful and good design.
I like the umbrella thing.
The entire car is a gimmick to allow extreme ostentation.
Richard Carter, Director of Global Communications for Rolls Royce, agrees. “This super-wealthy crowd, they’re not really after gimmicks,”
“I made a commercial to help sell my girlfriend’s used 1996 Honda Accord (a very Meh Car).”