( 1 You can’t walk into the convention
( 1 You can’t walk into the convention
It’s the other way around. Take your chances with her than Trump. Hillary is not perfect, and is a lying sack of shit politician, just like all politicians.
Cadaverchu I choose you
It’s not a magic bullet (nothing is with weight loss) but I know I’ve lost 12lbs in the week I’ve been playing. A lot of that is water weight, but I’m also a diabetic going through a medication change and the game’s encouraged me to get out an additional 2 to 5 hours per day this week walking. It makes the exercise…
I’ve always felt that we won’t have serious conversation about Gun Control until we get the NRA out of Washington, D.C. Nothing will get done until then.
I am sad that I know what this means.
You know those people are all just battling for the Gym there.
As much I hate to admit it. She has some points. Feminism has caused women to be unhappy because we’re actively ignoring some of the fundamental differences between men and women. Now before you beer guzzling, gas pumping, plant eating lesbians jump down my throat-hear me out!
I’ve maintained this since reading the book in high school: Christopher McCandless was a stupid, naive, unprepared dink who thought he could piss in Nature’s face and get away with it. He got lucky a few times, but sooner or later if you don't respect Nature it will kill you dead.
Ugh...I know. First Curious George left a while back (although I guess the movies are still there....?) And now Daniel Tiger....I’ve got one barely 3 year old and twin barely 2 year olds, and both of those shows were favorites of theirs. We only do about 30 mins to an hour of tv show watching a day (generally while…
These are dark times, my friend, and we’ll be lucky to make it out alive. I might just end myself if I have to watch the same 2 Daniel Tiger episodes on pbskids.org over and over and...
This list has me really grateful my daughter already is done with her Daniel Tiger phase, because this would have been really bad news about a year ago.
White privilege
Keep your hands OFF our guns!!!! Because you might accidentally shoot us. God those things are dangerous.
Took a page from the Sounders.
So how do we feel about this then?