Just fyi... for those with heart conditions, this is a huge no-no.
Just fyi... for those with heart conditions, this is a huge no-no.
Thank you for sharing that.
Everything I know about the Bible, I learned reading Lamb by Christopher Moore...
Aaaand people flip out in 3... 2... 1...
"took a picture without her knowledge or consent."
Then posted it on Twitter...
Sounds to me like these places are using the same filtering or blocking software. That stuff regularly updates the white / blacklist categories automatically per the vendors updates.
Doubtful that the IT Dept has any idea or input in this - its a service that just runs in the background most of the time. The only time…
Yes, but think of the money they will save on air fresheners.
Nope. Just, nope. I don't care how pure it is. I don't care what process it goes through. If it was once poo it shall remain poo for all eternity as far as I care.
that's a very... sticky... situation.
After 2 sleeves of Thin Mints, everyone rolls.
You both just shut your dirty whore mouths right there.
I copied and pasted.
*hangs head*
well this is just goddamn horrifying.
onomatopoeia has to be the best word in the human language.
I just don't get it.
They won't ban vaping. They will however, tax it and regulate it, just like regular tobacco.
I just... I...
Had one sink that was notoriously getting clogged in this area. Ended up replacing the standard p-trap with one that has a cleanout plug at the bottom. I originally thought it might end up giving something else for gunk / hair to cling to, but so far that hasn't been the case.
That video should be Exhibit 1 in his civil suit against NYPD.