
What a feeling!

I’m just loving having to indicate to someone that what they consider “trash” jobs are, in fact, a sizeable portion of primary careers in this country.

I’m not thinking we’ll see mass replacement (because that sort of thing would touch off a HELL of a national tantrum), but...might not be a bad idea to float that whole “UBI” thing again? IDK, might be a decent little cushion, just in case!

The snowflake decorations in the upper corners are not merely atrocious. They are atrocities.

My real concerns about AI aren’t that it will replace workers so much as the copyright and IP issues that would allow companies to profit off the work of others without giving any credit or payment.

While these billionaires say they want to create a world where no one has to work”

AI is what happens when you couple Google with MS Word for predictive text. It’s a search engine, and not a good one: it’s Bing on weed, and not the good weed. It’s Bing on consecutive day fifteen of smoking some shitty ditch weed its buddy Dogpile sold it for two beers and a bro job, and you’re expecting this strung

Do people really believe that corporations, when faced with paying a human or using AI, will choose to continue paying wages when there’s a free option?

If you want to talk about unfilmable Harlan Ellison, I’d like to see someone try “I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream”.

Ghostbusters was a slacker comedy that happened to feature ghosts.

There was no Sigourney Weaver,  only Zuul.

And as Jon pointed out to those who didn’t already know, there are plenty of victims. Whether it is the banks that have to pass on their losses to the rest of us or him cheating the government out of money, he has definitely taken money from the general public.

I would say the only way to make him face consequences is at the barrel of a gun.

If I deliberately shoot at someone and miss, technically nobody has been harmed, but I’m still guilty of attempted murder. It’s insane that Republicans are trying to excuse fraud, an actual crime, because there’s “no victim.” That’s not how fraud works!

I think it is sad that (at least according to my student niece and nephew) that university film societies seem to have died in general. When I was an undergrad in the late 1980s/early 1990s, we had these societies that you could join that showed classic movies in those big lecture halls for intro classes that could

I’m generally of the view that any movie that’s photographed at all well is improved by the big screen- you get to appreciate how it’s put together more. There’s a shot in The Fog of Adrienne Barbeau’s character going down a steep-as-fuck staircase to the lighthouse where she works, and on the small screen it’s


Present and public is new to meI don’t know Percy Jackson’s take, but Gaiman’s stuff always has the gods coexisting in the background of the modern world, so it’s a little bit interesting, though if it goes with the Boys or...what was the Millar one about the second generation of supers being washed up club kids?

You had to know it would be all horror and porn.

After the fortunately short-lived craze for crap like Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, there’s very little in pop culture that can actively piss me off anymore.