
With the advent of the coffeehouse, something quite novel appeared. There is a fundamental difference between the bar and the coffeehouse: In the bar, one’s focus is on drinking and relaxing, forgetting troubles, trying to find distractions—it is a place to get away from society through the means of fabricating an

Basically, you’re right. It’s “Mexican-American Day” when we can celebrate in our own clumsy way the contributions to American culture from our neighbors to the south.

Color-code the gummy bears to the alcohol.

“We did something that was legal at the time, but is now totally wrong. So we’re going to apologize for it.”

As someone who has been to Gentlemen’s Clubs in the past, if I ever spotted conditions like that in a club, I would never go back there. I’m surprised that their clientele hasn’t dwindled to nothing.

Section 3 isn’t about keeping them off the ballot; it’s about not allowing them to serve in Congress. She can be kicked out of the House, and will then have to pretty much beg to be let back in. And regardless of her role in the insurrection, she should be given the boot simply for her threats towards her betters in

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And here I am, thinking the secret was to use a 150 ton hydraulic press....

“Intelligent Design my ass! What kind of deity puts an amusement park right next to a garbage dump?”

Agreed. The most important thing you can put on the label is the style of beer it is. If I have to take the can out of the display, turn it around, and look for fine print before I can tell what it is, I’m not buying it.

Once we got a black person on SCOTUS and then a woman on SCOTUS, it kind of became inevitable that we’d eventually get a black woman there. So I can’t really get too excited over that.

A bottle of vodka. Can be used as an antiseptic or fuel (at least a fire starter), when it’s not being used as a painkiller.

Remember that you’re not just adding alcohol, you’re adding a bit of flavor, too. It’s probably a good idea to avoid things with heavy botanical notes like gin in your baking.

An excellent take. I note that the more “realistic” and “gritty” they keep making these Batman movies, the more people are going to keep wanting answers to these questions.* Better to have Batman embrace the absurdity of grown men wearing silly costumes to fight each other.....

I can suggest “The Siege of Jadotville” (2016, Netflix). In 1961, a battalion of 156 green Irish troops is sent to “keep the peace” as order breaks down in the Congo. Due to political machinations, they are left on their own to face a force of some 3,000 mixed French and Belgian mercenaries....

“Y”? I don’t know, he’s on third, and I don’t give a darn!

The other fun thing about the self-serve soda stations? You get to mix it up! A mix of Sprite and Coke? No problem!

Get revenge - the leaves are a nice accent in salads.

I think the point is to not deliberately let these plants into your yard/garden, but rather if they should get a foothold, learn to live with them rather than spend effort in a futile attempt at eradication.  Yes, native plants should always be encouraged, but there’s no call for a napalm strike to take out an invader.