
This Old Fart remembers when ABC had the Olympics, and Jim McKay was the host. They paid attention to athletes from other countries, because (I suspect) they realized that *this would be the only chance that Americans would get to see some of these incredible athletes*. So we got to see Irina Rodnina & Alexander

Curling with explosives.....

Now playing

Don’t forget two from early in his career:

You want snubs? There’s an *entire category* that is still waiting to appear. And you’ll have to agree that showing the nominees will make the whole dang show worth watching.....

The thing I remember most about Letterman was his genuine amazement at his success. He seemed embarrassed about it all, and always appreciated and thanked his co-workers and staff. Heck, his last show was pretty much a big “Thank you” to everyone who worked with him over the years.

I think it IS important to remember that it represents “man’s inhumanity to man” - because who knows when the socio-cultural-ethnic group that you belong to could find itself on the receiving end of systematic, government-approved persecution? Saying that it was just something that Nazis did to Jews absolves anyone

Don’t forget instant coffee. It may taste like crap, but when all you want or need is the caffeine.....

I melt them down.

It’s never going to end, is it.

You know, back in the 1920s (and for far too long afterwards), we would actually force people with too low an IQ to NOT have children....

Katy as Iris Wildthyme......

He could still vote with the Dems on the John Lewis voting rights bill....

Heck, one of the starship models in a TOS episode was literally an Aurora kit model!

^^^^^ THIS!

Have you forgotten the Republicans who have abdicated all responsibility for governing?

How about something on what to do with those little leftover bits of soap that are too small to use for washing?

Sigh. Yet another “The Republicans are Evil. Why aren’t the Democrats doing anything about it?” essay. How about you direct your anger at those who are really causing the problem? Hint: it’s not the Democrats......

So, “Worlde” is basically “Mastermind”, but with words and letters.

If you can’t get it off without sandblasting, it’s not coming off onto your food.