So, “Worlde” is basically “Mastermind”, but with words and letters.
So, “Worlde” is basically “Mastermind”, but with words and letters.
If you can’t get it off without sandblasting, it’s not coming off onto your food.
One should also note Lincoln Perry (aka Stepin Fetchit), the first black actor to become a millionaire, and Willie Best, whom Bob Hope called one of the finest actors he ever met.
What? I can’t hear you!
Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment:
This strictly desktop gamer would like to note that the older games that stick around are generally the ones with great replay capability.
If that’s the criterion, then The Thin Man (1934) qualifies.
The ultimate version:
No, I just think the movie belongs.
It’s a Fusion Cuisine!
I’m still waiting for them to include The Blob (1958)
I think Craig Calcaterra got it best:
They actually did make Internet bloggers / reviewers/ etc. the “Person of the Year” in 2006. It was, if memory serves, roundly criticized as being a terrible cop-out of a choice.
Some appropriate musical accompaniment:
These might be of some help:
Sing along, too!
I would like to say one thing in favor of this episode.
Doesn’t the NRA have enough sacrifices already?
One way would be for the party strategists to stop thinking about how to get more votes in areas that are already solid Dem, and see what they can go to win new voters in the “barely Republican” districts.
I can’t bring myself to actively cheer for anyone’s death - but that doesn’t mean I have to shed even a single tear when they go.....