
One other bombshell of note in the barrage:

It would be so cool to see him pee his pants during the debate!

I’m having trouble figuring out why it’s necessary to ban Trick-Or-Treating.

Next: If the LOTR movies were made when the books first came out, in the UK in the 1950s.

Let them waste their money this way and support the Post Office!

There was also the matter back in 2016 that everyone believed Hillary would win, so at the time, it wasn’t worth fighting the GOP. And Hillary did actually win the popular vote; the election came down to fewer than 80,000 votes spread over three states.

I read that as “Diarrhea House”

What if Chewbacca *declined* the medal? Maybe medals like that are not part of Woookie tradition, and he received something more appropriate for his culture that we just didn’t see? Perhaps he felt that his efforts did not need a bit of metal on a ribbon for validation?

“Senator, if a candidate refuses to abide by the results of an election in which they clearly lose, what should be done?”

Theo Kretschmar-Schuldorff: Clive! If you let yourself be defeated by them, just because you are too fair to hit back the same way they hit at you, there won’t be any methods *but* Nazi methods! If you preach the Rules of the Game while they use every foul and filthy trick against you, they will laugh at you!

Protesters should keep in mind that the indictments were based on *the laws of the state of Kentucky*, and not what the laws are where they live, or even on what a person would consider fair or just.

I don’t know if the editors of “Weird Tales” would accept it for publication, though.

It will be interesting (in the vein of watching a fire at the town dump) to see how El Presidente behaves when he’s not surrounded by a crowd of sycophants cheering on his every lie, and he has no place to run and hide.

PRE-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Expecting some glorious superhero to come galloping over the hills to save us from our own foibles is nothing but an admission of our own laziness. There are so many parables that come down to “God helps those who help themselves”, but I’m not going to use one of them.

Meanwhile, the Dems are plotting a “Just in Case” scenario.

So you can make one at home.

I’ll have a Red Eye, thank you.

But what do you use for toilet paper if you don’t have any?