
Still, free storage for all those songs, compared to Cupertino's $25 yearly ain't bad. Meanwhile, the boys and girls at Engadget seemed to love Google Music. I swear, if it doesn't have an Apple logo on it, Gizmodo trashes it.

Ohh I see what you were doing there. Probably one of the best movies I have ever seen.

I must have missed that "Shit Sandwich". All the coverage I have read loves ICS. Link?

Not trying to troll. I know they don't guarantee service inside. Nevermind.

Where is the Test at Home video??

While this may be true, it is funny how Verizon now offers a home phone service based off their "outdoor only" network...

Right but that 4gig capped data is LTE....LTE!!! That is a huge difference imo. Granted, I am on unlimited, but if it is sweet speeds you crave, LTE is the only way to go, and Verizon just made it a lot easier to swallow.

That's awesome if true, but I always heard Verizon and Nokia have never gotten along well. When was the last time you saw a Nokia on Verizon vs. the other carriers? I don't know for sure, maybe there is no fact there, I just seem to recall reading it somewhere. I guess I was wrong or things are better now!

NEVER have I been MORE EXCITED to be a Verizon customer! Eff yeah! I just watched the live stream, and this phone and ICS seriously kicks the pants of of the iPhone AND iOS 5! I'm not even upgradeable, but will be the first in the preorder line anyway! How will I sleep tonight? Tomorrow night? Faaaaaaaaaack!!!!

Not only that but this is ICS VANILLA! Vanilla Android is worlds better than anything skinned, and currently-skinned phones may or may not be upgraded to ICS, but they will still be skinned- my guess.

ICS is a fairly minor upgrade?! You obviously did not watch the live stream!

Not sure they are allowed to publish false facts, but Engadget has a comparison photo up, stacking it with an iPhone (which is 9.3mm if I recall) , and the RAZR is indeed thinner.

As someone who rocked EVERY version of the Casio GzOne series (everything-proof feature phones on Verizon), I would definitely enjoy the Kevlar backing and water resistance. I'll say it- i can be a klutz. So far all my Droid phones are still working, but my Thunderbolt is aging fast. My thunderbolt has the extended

I know! Not sure why thathas only been implemented on one phone. No good!

Correct. That "special something" is called SVDO, which allows for a 1X voice call during an active EVDO session. The Thunderbolt is fully capable of simultaneous voice and data on EITHER the 3G or 4G network. It works like a charm for me!

The Thunderbolt does voice and data over CDMA. SVDO allows for a 1X voice call during an active EVDO data session. Unfortunately this functionality is not included in the 4S.

Verizon does not use HSPA+. You are either using their EVDOrA for 3G or LTE for 4G.

AT&T's 3G IS WCDMA. The only phone that did not have WCDMA was the original iPhone, which only connected to their EDGE network.

They are very very close, though.

The last bit of the article seems to say otherwise: