Ryan McCluskey

I was wondering about this yesterday with more articles and reports claiming that the game is structured to be easier to play. I’ve seen this first-hand with some of my friends who went from not having played an fps in a decade to ripping head-shots in their first game (and these are adamantly non fps gamers to begin

This would have destroyed my high school career.

Not really. Social Justice Warrior is meant to be an ironic insult and the term as a whole infers one has a mentality that argues for the sake of oneself and not about the actual issue. I don’t know whether or not the developer earned such an insult but the reviewer was using it in it’s correct definition given his

You know SJW is a derogatory term tho right? It’s like being accused of white knighting.

The first episode is titled “The Wedding of Lupin the Third” and I’m sure it’s in a trailer. It’s not a spoiler, stop being cranky.

Bizarre, I was just looking for news on this because I randomly remembered it.

You weren’t kidding, that ending got me choked up.

I’m oddly excited for this.

“Stay in your lane” is just about the saddest mentality I’ve ever heard of.

Fiona Staples is amazing? No surprise there.

So, every multiplayer FPS ever?

So every FPS ever?

I knew I was going to regret not picking it up at it’s recent sale price.

But, In terms of character design (which is what the article is comparing) Pudge is based directly off of Abomination, not Butcher. Butcher in D1 is an average sized red demon with a cleaver, which in no way looks like Abominations or Pudge.

Yeah, because Pudge lore-wise is also a butcher. His character model is an Abomination from w3 in DotA1, there is no disputing that fact.

“iconic Blizzard villain The Butcher, who, funnily enough, was the original inspiration for Pudge’s character design in Dota 2”

Yeah, that’s gotta be Trigger.

Where’s my godsdamn snow level? No, Cosmodrome doesn’t count.

Tengen Toppa Faceless Lagann

Well the EU still exists. It's just not canon. It's not like they burned all the books, shows and games.