Ryan McCluskey

Kind of makes sense though, imo. It's like the difference of saying something childish like that to a company of friends and actually calling someone to tell them your going to kill them. Not that I'm defending the man, he seems to act like a lunatic on twitter.

12 volumes, 89 issues.

I am dying.

Seems like a lot of Xbox 360 and Xbox One complaints. I'm on PS4 and have been playing everyday, never once noticed even a bit of lag. I'm pretty pleased with that considering it's a completely online game, and an new one at that. It's a shame for our Xbox brothers, though.

A "re-return" it seems. He already was in SW:TOR and was an instance boss who is defeated pretty early on. But it was pretty obvious he would return in some way considering the fight ended very anticlimactically with him just exploding into force bits, haha.

Cortana was an AI as well (albeit a more passionate one). Compare the two performances.

Being a fan of sci-fi in any form, I'm well aware of the common trope of AI being stiff, monotone voices of cold, analytic science. This doesn't feel like that. It feels off, like he's either uncomfortable as an actor portraying

I really hope there is some validity to some of these theories. From the outset the story of the game itself feels so bland and ordinary, but I found myself really enjoying the background lore. The stuff that wasn't directly told to me was far more interesting and actually seemed more thought out.

I don't know if I'm