Ryan McCluskey

As someone whose worked in videography and digital media for the last 13 years, I use a camera nearly every day of my life. And they’ve had it for at least a decade, and it’s called Auto White Balance. It’s good enough that in some videography fields, it’s rarely turned off, but you’re missing my point.

While skepticism is, of course, warranted in heady sci-fi abstractions like these, your example about white balance proves his point.

In his interview, he recounted the anger and desire for vengeance he felt when he saw the video—and how he later reconsidered and regretted those impulses, saying they made him feel “gross and guilty.” But it gave him the kernel of a story.”

Might be good to include the full context of the idea before you just dismiss

Velcro One Way thin ties. I think the setup isn’t all that bad, honestly. The wires just make it look crazy, imo.

Don’t know if it will make you feel any better but I’ve been playing since Destiny 1 beta and honestly it’s always been like this, haha.

Woah, Alanah! FH, IG and Kotaku. Dang, girl.

Man, that artwork is just flat out rad.

Hell yeah! This re-imagined album has been amazing.

Honestly, thank you for making my own gaming plan feel tame in comparison.

I can’t help but wonder if seeing Westworld has ruined this game in some way, given the parallels. Like the other commenters are echoing, I also don’t think this game is all that egregious in terms of the NPC believability. At least in comparison to anything else. But, after reading this in context with Westworld I

Brilliant as usual. Thank you.

Play the game some more. There is a reason.

Don’t forget about Starcraft 2 WCS!

Why wouldn’t that be cosplay?

Can’t wait for the sweet boys of Monster Factory to get their hands on this.

Any idea how/if this transfer would work going from PS4 to PC? I think I only qualify for the first two emblems, but I want them damn it.

The new Dark Souls’ bosses look great!

Can this be a new series? Maybe call it Kotaku Dream Reviews.

I would really like that.

I hoped the election was just a great viral marketing campaign for Tyranny.

Yesss! Love this band, great track for today too.